are dented cases trash?


Apr 10, 2011
i guess you really can have too much of a good thing... i dented a few shoulders while resizing and i was wondering if i need to throw them out or if they can still be loaded. what say you? thanks
There fine. Load them up. Firing will straighten them out. I would use a little less lube around the neck/shoulder area. Too much lube and the hydraulic pressure will dent the cases. Scotty
Those cases will be fine, they will fire form to the chamber. The root cause is too much case lube, it creates hydralic pressure when the case is resized. Cut back on the amount of case lube.

All I can add is, "Yup." As long as they are just dented, and will still chamber easily, you're all good.
:oops: thanks guys! ive read in a couple of my reloading manuals that they would become weaker and possibly rupture. is that disputable?
I guess that could happen if it were done too many times.
A light even coat on the case is all thats needed to resize. Don't forget to also lube the inside of the case mouth.
This will ease the case over the expander ball and help reduce case streaching.

You only need to apply lube to the bottom 1/3 of the case, I use a dry lube in the neck and Imperial die wax on the bottom 1/3 of the case.Rick.
rick smith":2hhvidkz said:
You only need to apply lube to the bottom 1/3 of the case, I use a dry lube in the neck and Imperial die wax on the bottom 1/3 of the case.Rick.

Wow. I did not know that.
rick smith":1y84b59j said:
You only need to apply lube to the bottom 1/3 of the case, I use a dry lube in the neck and Imperial die wax on the bottom 1/3 of the case.Rick.

Its funny, been reloading for awhile but I didn't really figure that part out until about the last year. Once I figured it out, I haven't dented a shoulder or case in a long while. Scotty
The Imperial Sizing Wax will be carried up the side of the die. It is a good idea to clean the inside of the die after sizing, however, as the wax does build up.