Arrrrgh!!! Sometimes I hate the variables!!!

Yep, that's the right way to check for Parallax, and if your crosshairs stay put you are good to go.
I've revived several rifles with my Outers foul-out, and JB bore paste.
Especially if you have a used rifle shoot wierd, you would be suprised what you can do with the Outers Foul-out remover....
cloverleaf":w7gyjslr said:
cant find the bore paste but its gotta be around some where. Kinda scared of that stuff.

You can get JB from Brownells,the Sportsmans Warehouse close to me sells it also.Its a great product and it would be REALLY hard to do any damage with it.I use it all the time.
Partial cure...? Time will tell.

Well, I finally did it, and I broke a couple hard and fast rules and ignored my conscience...but I did it. I went to cabela's (so much for my convictions...see my rants about Cabelas buying up my home state) Becuase they sent me $20.00 off coupon, and a card that will get me $75.00 of free stuff. And THEN I got me a credit card... :oops: to get another $15.00 off. So I slunk out of the store after saving $35.00 with a $75.00 dollar gift card in my pocket, no pride, no scruples left and a brand new VX-2 under my arm!!! :grin: I havent taken it out of the box yet. Afraid I will get an attack of conscience, change my mind and return it. But I got me a Luey!! :grin: So far it feels good. At least one of the variables should be CURED. CL

Congratulations on your new Leupold, you made an excellent choice on a great scope. Keep in mind that good glass is an investment and without quality optics, precise shooting becomes that much more difficult.

Having said that, get it mounted ASAP so that there will NOT be any buyers remorse. You did good buddy!

Well- here she is- all topped off with a VX-II. Sorry for the poor pic. Iwill try and give you the run down. Near the center left of the target and high are my first two shots, (oh by the way this is my sight in target). As usual, she takes a few shots to get "down and dirty serious". You can see shots 3,4,5 center left of the target in about an inch. 17 clicks to the right and you will find shots 6,7 just to the right of the center bull (talk about tracking!!). So since all was going well I let the rifle set for a couple hours while I shot pistol with a friend. When I went back to it I ripped off three shots in about 1.5 minutes in the lower right hand bull. :shock: :eek: :eek: :grin: :grin: :grin:
All that with 100 grn Rem. core lokts. Oh Ive shot better groups but compared to those in the pic above these make me feel really good. All shots 3-10 fell into groups right at an inch or less. Especially considering that core lokts are usually good for 2-3 inch groups at best. I was thrilled. Who would have believed that the scope could make that kind of difference!!! :shock: Ya think Im happy?!?!? Oh and I mounted this one myself so it is just the way I want it, comes up like it grew there. Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement on the Leuy. So far, Worth every penny!! CL

Nice. It is amazing what a good piece of glass with perfect alignment can do. Very nice work. Congratulations!

Those speedgoats, white-tails, and muleys better be growing eyes in the backs of their heads, huh?
Thanks!! Ita an improvement but she can do better. got to do some reloading though- that third shot is still out there. I was pleased just the same. Pretty good for Rem factory loads. cl
Ok, here's what will likely be the last installment in this thread. Last weekend the weather was perfect! 50 Degrees and a 5-10 Mph crossing head wind. Good enough. So I shot the group in the center of the photo 3 shots (@90 yards). The new recipie shoots good enough to keep when Im not shivering so much!

35 Grains of 4064 under a 100 gr NBT. Three shots. :grin:

The group on the left side was 40 grains of 4350. The recipie theat gave me so much trouble that I bought a new Leuy!! Oh well love the Luey and I'm guessing the barrel aint burned out! :) Good example of the right load and the difference it makes. Thing is I know I have better or equal recipies for this rifle. That 75 grn V-Max load can do better. Just need tiem to shoot it. Man thats fun!! CL
CL, you might think long and hard about your gun handling. I've seen a rifle move POI 3" just from the way the way the wrist of the stock was being griped ( squeezed or lightly held ). So based on that experience I really think about my gun handling technique. Saying that, if you feel brave, you might try fire lapping you 250. It is hard to imagine it being shot out, but by fire lapping it could very well smooth up the bore. I lapped my .280 when I bought it and have been happy that I did. It cleans nicely and I didn't shoot it prior to lapping. As such can't do a comparison, still it shoots under and inch easy and even as good as 1/2" with one load. The process was the one David Tubb sells and he offers loaded ammunition or raw bullets. Fussy rifles can lead you to drink or make you proud. The frustration can be awful, I feel for you. Sounds to me like you need at least a Lee loader, so you can roll your own. They are cheap and easy, however I don't know if available in a 250 but I would think a .25-06 could be shortened so that it would work? Good luck!
1g can definately make a 1/2" group a 1.5" group. Take it back down to 40g and see what it does before you start getting all stressed out.
Woa! Wait a minute here fellas! I think there's been a misunderstanding. Ive got this figured out. The group in the center (and load) I am happy with. The one on the left was just burnin' up ammo. Far as that goes you may be right. 39 Grains of 4350 may be a winner, but I know 38 Grains is. Maybe I aint picky enough.
Far as that goes, my technique could always use some work. One group a little right and the other string pulled left has me suspecting operator error. Practice, practice, practice.....CL