Ate The Javalina Tag


May 26, 2012
Well folks,

It appears I'm not out of the woods yet and since the day I hiked around looking for a javalina I've been short of breath. That's one of the symptoms I had prior to my first stent placement. I have a stress test next week and then we will decide if the Cardiologist is going to go back in and place more stents.

Just a slight delay in the program as far as I'm concerned as I want to get back to it but I need to find out what I'm dealing with first. When I met with the Cardiologist last week he said my other blockages were just under the threshold for stenting but it's affecting my day to day life so I'm thinking he's going to have to go back in.

I didn't feel like I pushed myself too hard, when I was out and about, and don't believe I did. I'm inclined to think the "numbers" he saw during my angiogram don't tell the whole story. Prior to my stent placement my heart rate was in the 40's to 60's in the ER but they sent me home. I knew something was wrong and kept harping on it, as did my wife. This is sort of the same situation. I'll just have to keep telling them until somebody listens. Right now the Cardiologist is muttering words like, "deconditioning" but I know he's full of fecal matter on that one. I've been in the gym too much for that to be the issue.

Just trying to get through my working shifts until my stress test and follow up with the heart doctor. Javalina tag goes well with a side of yellow squash. It's almost as good as a venison tag. :grin:

wayno945":55svphjo said:
Tag might taste better than a real javelina buddy ;)
I doubt that.
I have a pretty good recipe for javelina roast.
Thank you Dr. Mike.
I'll let the Lord put me where he wants me.
Beat wish's Vince and take it easy and listen to a little of what the Dr has to say but it sounds like you have had a few issues with some of thier orders which is a good thing :mrgreen: My older brother whom is a trauma nurse of 30+ years tells me that some Dr.'s practice better than others :lol: I agree with him a 100 % as my PCM could not even read my stress test and I told him and the VA that I would just carry myself to the New Mexico Heart Institute and get fixed and sure enough a couple stents later I am doing better ! No more VA for me ! LAD & RCA both 93+ blocked but much better now :mrgreen: get well soon !
Well heck. I've eaten tag soup a few times. Not bad with the right seasoning and something worthwhile to wash it down with.

Better luck next time Vince! You'll be after 'em again.

Got the heart cleared so now just need to get the breathing fixed. I'm acting like I have asthma and I've never been asthmatic. Not a smoker either so I don't think it's COPD.
I'm thinking that's good news overall. Seems pretty important getting the heart cleared before you start working on wind. Are you still working with the same doctor?
In any event this is a step in the right direction, Tag soup can be a heck of a motivational tool. Here's hoping your wind is better come fall and there is venison stew in your future. I'm betting on you.
I'm still trying to get caught up on the history on some of these threads and sometimes get confused. Wasn't the phrase " I will be strong" yours?

Hope the Dr's can get to the bottom of it and get you back to 100%.
Keep the faith buddy.

Thank you all.

I'm working with three doctors and about to add a fourth. The cardiologist has me on meds, so does the endocrinologist, and the general practitioner. Now onward to a pulmonologist.

I had a conversation today with a good friend that is an ER Doctor and a friend. He stopped watching the hockey game for a long conversation with me allowing me to pick his brain over the phone. He gave me some things to discuss with my various doctors and agrees that a pulmonologist is next on the list to see. From our discussion, and some of my past medical history, my problems could stem from something as simple as an allergic response to one of my medications. I will talk this over with my general practitioner tomorrow.


Well, some good news while I wait to get in to see a pulmonologist, the steroids seem to be starting to work.

Glad to see you've added your signature line back in, attitude is everything. You're never out of the fight.