Bad Minox?

Sorry I have kind of left this hanging lately guys. Harvest has started and I can't be one here and operate a combine at the same time.

I did hear back from Minox (apparently they read our forum, as they asked if I was the author of this post), they said to send it in and they will get it all checked out/fixed/replaced. I should be able to get it ready to ship today.

I'll keep you posted as things develope.
That is great to see they are watching! Hope they take care of you Jake.

NOW, Minox if your reading, please add Side Focus to your 3x15's! I think you will sell them to alot of folks!
I knew that good companies read good forums :mrgreen: now we will see if the problem can be rectified ASAP, hunting season is just about here. With Doc getting to start for Moose on August 15th. I know that there will be photos and stories with his hunts :wink:
