Badger bites the dust!


Nov 17, 2005
Went out last night looking for a yote. Didn't see any, not surprised. The last 5 or 6 times I"ve been out, I've only seen 1, and my buddy happened to miss him standing at 325 yards with his 257 WM. Anyways, I did happen to spot a badger off the side of the road. By the time I stopped and jumped out of the truck, he ran across the road and got in his hole. I jumped back in my truck and was going to back up and see if his head was sticking out of the hole. About that time, I gave one more look and he was back out of his hole standing up facing me. It was only about 75 yards, but the 25-06 w/100g NBT at 3350fps did not fail. I"m surprised at how badgers never really get blown up. I've shot plenty of them and although my bullets always exit, there not big holes. I dont know why, but you would think a 100g NBT at 3350fps would rip them apart, it dont. I found my bullet in the bank as well. IT weighed like 45g and the core was still intact! Right before I was taking the pic, the farmer came down the road and was quite pleased I had taken her out. Farmers dont particularly care for badgers... Anyways, heres the glory photo!!

Nice badger. I was out last Sunday ranging my most recent hog kill, and Mr. Badger decided to grace me with his presence at 26yrds. Lets just say a 300RUM w/200ABs at 3137 fps evaporated his head. Sorry no pics.
Ha ha, nice!! Yah I would hope a 300 RUM would tear a badger up at 26 yards. I would be pretty mad if it didn't!
:grin: Remingtonman - you are one critter-killin' son of a gun! :grin: It's a wonder there are any mammals left running wild anywhere in Oregon the way you zap 'em!

Congrats on the badger. They're tough rascals. Regards, Guy
Thanks for the kind words guys.

Yah I'd like to get a few of them tanned, they would look pretty neat on the wall. Also would like to boil the skulls, they look pretty cool to...

Guy- Ha ha, dont worry, there still plenty of things to shoot in Oregon :wink: Might need to expand my coyote territory though. Seems as though I might be putting a rather small dent in the population. Could be the time of year though. I use to go out and see at least 1 coyote every time. Its just not so anymore. I"ve been out 6 times in the last couple weeks and have seen only 1.
Hey Remmy, Sweet! Good Work...those things are so bad! They dig holes everywhere. I Hit one in my tractor one time and it jarred the tractor so bad that the muffler fell off. It was so hot I had to wait about 20-30 minutes to put it back on so that I could get back to work. I was miles from my gloves and man I was hatin those badgers by the time I was back to work. I have shot quite a few of them. A lot with my 45 pistol and/or my 25-06. I love that 25-06, In my thinking, I could get by with it being the only Under-30 caliber rifle that I own. I have even killed elk with it! Keep up the good the way, do you have a good load with the 120 PT that makes 3000 fps? The book load (Nosler#5) of 49 grs of IMR4350 only gets 2960 in my remington. It has a 24" barrel but I just cant seem to get the speed out of things. On some factory loads, 85gr BTs, I was almost 150 fps slower than advertised. I love RL22 and H4350, any ideas?