A thread on another forum came up and they were talking about how the 120 gr ballistic tip was actually tougher than the 140 (.284) and didnt blow up as bad due to a thicker jacket.
One showed a picture of the 2 bullets cut in half and it is apparent that this is true.
IS this the case for all calibers do some weights have heavier jackets for certain reasons or another?
How do we know?
I ask as I have heard this is true when it comes to the 180 gr in .308. But what about my 257s and 277s
I would just assume use BTs and save a ferw bucks if I am not going to loose half a ham in the process!
One showed a picture of the 2 bullets cut in half and it is apparent that this is true.
IS this the case for all calibers do some weights have heavier jackets for certain reasons or another?
How do we know?
I ask as I have heard this is true when it comes to the 180 gr in .308. But what about my 257s and 277s
I would just assume use BTs and save a ferw bucks if I am not going to loose half a ham in the process!