Barge, Plane Ticket, and Resignation


May 26, 2012
Got my plane ticket out of Seattle for Anchorage, a reservation on the barge for my Jeep, and gave work my notice.

I’m flying out of Seattle on Memorial Day and putting my Jeep on the barge the Friday before. That means little Ol’ introverted me will spend the weekend in a hotel in Seattle. There is nothing in Seattle I desire to see.

I can hardly wait to get on that plane. It’s a one way ticket and I don’t look to come back to the lower 48 until I’m grizzly bear 🐻 poop.💩

Enjoy Alaska Vince, my experience is there are only two kinds of people, thoase who can’t wait to leave and never come back and those that have been totally hoodwinked by Alaska. She can really get into your head..
Good luck, you should be able to get down on the Russian River pretty soon for Reds, (sockeye)
Best wishes on your move to AK Vince.
Exciting times for sure.

Got my plane ticket out of Seattle for Anchorage, a reservation on the barge for my Jeep, and gave work my notice.

I’m flying out of Seattle on Memorial Day and putting my Jeep on the barge the Friday before. That means little Ol’ introverted me will spend the weekend in a hotel in Seattle. There is nothing in Seattle I desire to see.

I can hardly wait to get on that plane. It’s a one way ticket and I don’t look to come back to the lower 48 until I’m grizzly bear 🐻 poop.💩

Good for you. As far as Seattle I would pig out on seafood. Being a Greek and landlocked in Cheyenne WY since 1995 I miss seafood! Fresh seafood.
Good luck and best wishes for your new life. I am looking forward to your hunting and fishing reports.
Vince, good for you on making the big move. I’ve lived south of Seattle for over 30 years now. The population and politics are going to be what drives me out of here in the next year and a half when I retire. But it does have some beautiful mountain scenery and the summers are pretty spectacular here. It’s not too far to go, but at Boeing field there is a pretty cool Air and space Museum that would be worth seeing if that kind of stuff interests you. I’m leaving town for memorial day weekend to head to Montana for a high school graduation. If I wasn’t, I’d meet up with you and get you out of that place. Good luck on your move!!