Battle between white tips and black tips

257 Ackley

Nov 25, 2008
Just got done loading up some 130 grain accubonds and sciroccos to test this weekend in the new 264. Nothing real hot yet, but I want to see if the rifle shows a preference for a hunting bullet. The sciroccos are slightly longer than the accubonds in the 6.5 caliber.

This Winchester action is allowing me to seat the bullets out alot further than I can with my 300 WSM. The sciroccos are seated at 3.015 and the accubonds at 3.005. My gunsmith is going to make me a case for my Stoneypoint (will actually be able to check where the lands is) as soon as I can send him a couple empties from this coming weekend.

Loaded up and ready to go:

Something that is cool that the gunsmith made from the reamer used to cut the chamber was a headspace gauge for me to use:

Those cartridges look good, Joel. It will be interesting to see how your study in black and white works out. There has been several times that the long-shanked Sciroccos pulled my bacon out of the fire.

Those loads look good. Looking forward to your range report.

Walleyes have white tips and inside a Kings mouth, the roofs are black..... :idea:

Are we there yet?


Man, I should have given you some 142 SMK's to play with.... Doh!!!!
Rod -
I need to get a hunting load figured out before I can start building loads for shooting gongs and long distance paper :p . I can't believe how long I'm able to load these bullets :shock: . I called Steve tonight just to verify they were kosher. He checked some data and said there is a friend that has 140 VLD's seated at 3.050. BTW...I'm sending him a couple pieces of brass to make a gauge for the Stoneypoint.
Those black tipped bullets have always caught my eye. They look like they are all dressed up in tuxes and ready to party! And from the ones I have shot, they party hard!

Those 6.5s look really 8) Hope it shoots as good as it did last time for you!
Joel, those rounds look awfully darned awesome. Seeing as you can seat them out so far, I really have no doubts whatsoever you are going to match of even beat the speeds I am getting out of the 264WM. I can only seat out to 3.34 or so in my 264WM. It isn't really a problem cause there is still a ton of room for even Retumbo.

I am really looking forward to seeing what these do. I am betting you are going to be jumping up and down over excitement when you get off the range with those. I would think you will be in the 3250+ range really easy and heck, accuracy should be nothing less than AWESOME. Man, get to the range. They look too good sitting on your bench! Scotty