Berreta to move out of Maryland

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
The Democratic Socialist Party of Maryland has voted to pass new Gun Bans and a Mandentory Finger Print requirement on the Honest Citizens of the State who wish to buy a hand gun which goes into law in October of 2013.
Berreta has issued a statement that they will move the company's manufactureing facility out of the state.
Several members of the Republican Party are going to attempt to have it put on a Ballot for the citizens to vote on in a general election.
It's a sad day when hundreds of people loose thier jobs because an elected offical can't see past the end of thier nose. Millions of dollars in taxes and lost revenue that will not be available for public safety and school projects will be lost because of a Governor's Private Gun agenda.
These states are forcing these bills through with less than 24 hours review for legislators. They are full of errors and unintended consequences that are rammed through the legislature without proper review or legal study. This is emotional response without regard for the rights of the people and many of these stupid bills will probably be held unconstitutional but they pass it anyhow.

The people who live in these states do not have legal rights or representation. All this is being rammed down our throats by a minority of legislators who do not carry out the will of the people. I am just very happy that I do not live I the eastern US anymore but I worry that these people are getting shafted. I can only hope that the courts do their job in assuring that individual rights are protected by the Constitution.
My question is this; is thee enough rope for all those anti-gun people of will we have to recycle some. It's well past time. :x
Paul B.
Maryland is a lost cause. They have red light cameras, speed cameras, and no places to shoot! I was born there and go back to visit my parents less than once a year. I will never move back though. At least in Colorado (Where I actually own a home), they can pass all the laws they want and I have enough trust in the sheriffs to do the right thing and not enforce them. I don't see many people fighting back on this one, the gun friendly areas of the state aren't that populated and everything else is turning into a suburb of DC.

We can take back Congress and the Presidential office, but un-indoctrination of my generation will take a life time.
The liberals need to get fired. Lets hope America wakes up for the next election.
