Best loads with 115 grain bullets for 25/06


Feb 9, 2007
I'm new to the site but been hunting along time. My question is this what powder, primer, case, OAL shooting out of a rem 700 SP have you guys had good accuracy with?

I used to reload years back and 100 gr bal tips with 52 gr 4831 worked well, but now new bullets,powders etc have come out and I have a new rifle to work with.

I will be using this on deer ,antelope and coyotes fur is no worry as I do ADC coyote control, I will stilluse my stand by 22-250 for most coyote work but will use the 06 on occassion.

I'm thinking of reloader 19 or IMR powder 4350 any suggestions would be great or loads you like with the 115 bal tip. Thanks alot.
While RL 19 or IMR 4350 will work fine with the 115 Ballistic Tips, I would opt for a slower burning powder.

I have had the best luck with either RL 22 or IMR 7828 in several 25-06 rifles with the heavier bullets. In my own 25-06 I use 54 grains of IMR 7828 behind the 115 BT and ignite it with a Fed215M primer.

My buddy, on the other hand has settled on 52 grains of IMR 4831 behind the 115 BT and uses a CCI 200 primer.

The 115 BT has proven to be a very good bullet for me in this caliber. I have shot deer, antelope, wild hogs, and coyotes with it. It has never failed me.
Lets see, the best load I came across is about 51.5g RL-22 with the 115g NBT. Good for 3100fps and .5-.75 MOA out to 525 yards. Have taken deer and yotes out to 600 yards, and black bears out to 450 with that combo. I've also worked with 7828, I4350, H4831, H1000 with 115g bullets. Most all would shoot anywhere from 3050-3200fps depending on load, and would all shoot at least .75" MOA. I am using W-W cases, and either Fed 210 or CCI BR-2 primers. OAL was always the same at 3.250" If you want more specific data on the above powders, let me know and I'll try to dig up some info for you.
Always had the best luck using H4831 and RL22
Thanks guys rem 25/06 what kind of pressures do you have with the load of rl-22 at 51.5 gr? I need to get a new nosler book as mine is no3 and doesn't list any of the reloader powders in it. I did see on the nosler site them showing a rl-19 load. That OAL is max for the 25/06 correct?
That RL-22 load is around 1.5g below max in the old #4 manual. THey took out RL-22 in the #5 for some reason. You should be totally fine, start at maybe 50g if your really worried about it. Yes 3.250" is the SAAMI OAL for a 25-06. I"ve used that for 99% of my loads, seems to work great.
Another powder to consider is RETUMBO. I know its supposed to be to slow for 25-06 but it works quite well in mine. It seems to work best with lightly compressed loads. Work up slowly.

I have been getting very good results with it. Velocities have been good my rifle is running right at 3200 fps with 115 partitions and 1/2" for 3 shots. I found the 91/2 Magnum primer to group the best with this load. My load is .5 gr hotter than Hodgdon shows in their data.

I've also had good accuracy with RL22, H4831SC, 7828SSC but none have given even close to the velocities that I get with RETUMBO.
Thanks bluedot, If I can get over 3050fps that would be great. With reloader 22 rem 06 says he crono that load at 3100 that would be satisfactory for me, I just don't want pressures at that 62,000+ range. I would like the load to reach around that 80% level.

I guess I need to get the new manual no5, anyone know why this new manual doesn't have reloader 22 in it? I would think with all the good reports with this powder surely the nosler guys would have this in the newest manual?