Big Bad Wolf

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
This wolf was shot by Heidi Leavitt just outside her house in Spring Creek, Idaho. It weigh 127 lbs.


That is a beautiful wolf! Congratulations Heidi.

Thats a sweet looking wolf. Love the color! We got lots of them large timber wolves in northern Alberta. We thinned a few out last year by our moose camp :mrgreen:

Last year I had a jet black wolf come out on me approx 300m but it was too windy sitting inthe tree stand to get a steady shot with the wolf walkng at that distance. Next few days after that morning, the wolf was walking right beside and around my stand :x , but before I got there.
I've seen them this large and larger. They are intimidating animals, to be certain. I was a little slow on bailing out of the truck this past fall, or I would have tagged one at least that large standing about 200 yards behind us as we stopped to watched another, smaller wolf trotting down the road toward us.
We have em killing hunting dogs and family pets around here...not to mention livestock etc....I am very partial to "dead" wolf pics.

I got this story in my work email. I'll try to get it up here. Yes it is wearing a collar. That is one impressive critter for sure.
Of all the animals I've seen in the wild, the wolf is the most perfect killing machine when hunting in a pack. With those long legs and it's natural intelligence I don't know how anything could escape. I found myself in the middle of a pack of 13 that was coming up the ridge I was on and I felt helpless despite the 338 Win and a 41 mag pistol I was carrying. There was no way I could have stopped more than 2 or 3 of them if they decided they wanted me. They are just too fast and agile. They run in a fluid motion that eats up ground fast with those long legs. They spooked when they saw me but I sure know how an elk must feel when the pack moves in. I believe they need to be controlled like all big game for a healthy balance in the environment. I would love to take a wolf in Idaho as beautiful as the one in the picture.
I noticed that when I was looking at the pic. Her scope is even stuck in the snow :roll:
This is the email I got that had those pics with it.

People wonder how a little old wolf can kill a big bull elk. Well wonder no more.

This wolf was shot in the Salmon area of Idaho .
This is one BIG Wolf....

This is what we are up against in Idaho , Montana , Wyoming and Oregon , These big wolves are eating everything in their wake and expanding their territory faster than we can keep track of them.
Who is afraid of the "Big Bad Wolf?"
Those wolves don't bother anything or anybody??? Guess again. Wendy who sent me this one lives near Challis.

Heidi Leavitt shot this wolf just outside their home down river at Spring Creek. Heidi was in the store and said that they have had a pack running around their place and decided when they heard about them coming their way again, they would try and shoot one (she did have a tag). So the next time came quickly and while waiting for the pack to get closer, they looked in the woods below them and there was this wolf.
He weighed 127 lbs and was a collared wolf and by the time they got it to Fish & Game (which is probably an 1.5 hr drive, Fish & Game already knew about the wolf and said they had been looking for him. He is now skinned and hanging at their place.

The wolf pack had been terrorizing campers lately. Had a couple of guys treed in the cab of their pickup all night at Colson Creek campground. Not afraid of human campsites at all.
I saw the same email awhile back. Somewhere on here is a picture of the wolf my buddy killed during the 1 and only legal year to hunt wolves. It was also another large male.

Greg, I could not agree more. While bear hunting with my wife, we had a big grey wolf at 45 yards for about 30 minutes. I had a predetermined spot which I told my wife to blast it, if it crossed the spot. I was backing her up with my 300 Win Mag, but it was still pretty neat. I actually have the entire thing on video camera as I was hunting with my wife, and wanted to get her kill on film. I even have my wife aimed in on the wolf! It was actually pretty cool. Wolves are the MOST efficient predator out there. Even most bears will not mess with wolves. Scotty