Birthday caribou hunt


Sep 30, 2004
I took my son caribou hunting. He turns 14 today and I had been telling him he could fill my bou tag this year if he could shoot 80% in a 6" circle fro field conditions. Him and grandpa have been practicing all summer.

We stopped by the range to check zero on our way out and he shot a .75" group from the bench. Then from sitting and prone shot 10 rounds inside 3" just over the Bullseye. The level of concentration was pretty high, probably took him 15 minutes to shoot those ten rounds!

Since we were getting a late start we headed to a closer location I have had success at before. I figured we would check this spot out today and work our way along the Denali hwy over the weekend looking for bou.


Home for the night

Woke up to a beautiful morning

Glassing the surrounding hills I found a decent little bull but the only way to access the hillside he was on was being carefully guarded by this large blond grizz and her three rowdy cubs.




Sat and watcher them hoovering up berries and the cubs wrestling for about an hour until it clouded up and rain sent us back into the tent.

One nice thing about being up this high, great cell reception!

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What a neat experience for your son! Excellent. He'll connect in due time, and you will be one proud papa!
That's great sure hope he bags one after all that time he put in on the range. Sounds like he is on point with his shooting.

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Happy Birthday to your son! What a great Birthday present. Good luck to both of you, nothing better than hunting with your child.
Happy Birthday and good luck to your son. My hats off to you, and his grandfather as well, for spending this time with him. Good job Bear
What a great way to spend his birthday. Hope he cherishes the memories that you and he are making!!

So far we saw a moose that would be legal in 10 days and have about a half gallon of blueberries picked. Just too nice and hot for the animals to be moving around. It's got to be 65+ and the sun sure is bright

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This is a win-win-win the young man got to spent time with his grandfather and vice-versa. And now it is dad's turn to spend time with his son and vice=versa. Happy birthday young Bear and enjoy your time with your dad, and grandad. Love this thread
Happy Birthday to your son (y). What a excellent present to be able to go on a caribou hunt with Dad :wink:.
I am sure that you 2 will get the job done and have a caribou or 2 down in the next while.
I heard you mention Blue Berries :mrgreen:, I sure hope you packed some pancake mix for the mornings.
Remember to shoot straight, have fun and most of all be safe!!
Thank you so much for the post and photos.


Fresh blueberry shake. Nothing better than this! We didn't connect this weekend, had to come back early. GPS and wheeler issues.

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looks good Bear

with all due respect I would bet that you did "connect". Maybe not by filling a tag, but a father spending time in the mountains with his teenage son is something more father and sons should do

A good panoramic shot of our hunt area. This is one of my favorite areas. Just a gorgeous area of the world.

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Honestly wish I was spending time there now, at least for a couple of months.

Went back up this weekend. Normal august weather 50 and constant drizzle punctuated by torrential downpours. Saw a few more inaccessible caribou bulls and four more bears. I came prepared for bears this time and brought my 375 RUM WITH 260gr accubonds @ 3005fps.

Saw a pair of black bears this time, one was an absolute stud! I tried to get a shot at that one. Took me over and hour to get into an ambush point but he was faster and I couldn't get a shot. One of the biggest black bears I have seen.

I watched a lone griz for 20 minutes trying to figure out what he was doing. Way up above tree line, I couldn't tell at first what he was doing but turns out he was digging. I'm guessing he was digging up a ground squirrel or something. We were having wheeler issues so going after him was out of the question.

Unfortunately we had to call our hunt short. My buddy's Polaris general SXS was having electronic issues, blowing fuses and shutting down, and my wife's wheeler had a CV joint going out.

Hoping I get out a few more times this year.

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Thanks Bear for the update, man you are blessed to be able to spend time in that beautiful country (y) .
I hope that you get that caribou you are looking for along with a Moose or 2 :wink:!!
Well now you have a little more work as the CV will have to replace :roll:.
