Black Bear Rifles

The 7mm mag would be my first choice. Black bears seem to die fairly fast if hit wll. My friend dropped one last year with one head shot from a .243 at 193 yards. just remember shot placement.
Well heck, I just had to chime in on this. Bears have a lot of fat so penetration is important and bigger heavier bullets will automatically do that. All calibers mentioned are more than adequite if you use a bullet that expands dependibly and penetrates. Accubonds come to mind but black bears aren't that tough to kill and Sierra and Speer and Winchester and Remington bullets have been doing the job for a long long time. The only time you have to get picky in bullets is if you start driving them real fast for bullet weight. Yes of course the .338 RUM is fantastic with accubonds at any range but most black bears aren't killed at long range and of course the 375RUM is perfect at all ranges if you can stand the recoil and I love it. Get whatever fits into your overall hunting scheme and with good bullets it will do just fine on blackbear. Yes I've killed a few.
Good Hunting
elkhunt :grin: