Blackhorn 209 advantage

Dr. Vette

Apr 16, 2012
There are many advantages to Blackhorn 209 powder, and this weekend I realized another one of them.

I have had my muzzleloader sitting here for a couple of months, and happened to wonder to myself if I had ever cleaned it when season was over. Mind you I'm usually very fastidious about this, and it's easy to forget that one has cleaned a firearm. However, I removed the breech plug and noted that no, I had not cleaned it.

2 dry patches and about 10 wet patches later it's ready to go into the safe. No corrosion, no nothing. The beauty of Blackhorn 209 - though I would not generally recommend waiting over 2 months to clean your muzzleloader. :mrgreen:
I'm going to try it this Fall I think. I've heard great things about it.
I finally tried it last week. No chrono results yet, but the max charge of 84 gr ( OCD i have to exactly weigh none of that by volume crap) gives 1.09" group in my TC Omega and 250gr Barnes TMZ. With 777 would get 1.5" groups with150gr but youd have to smash the ram rod off a tree to get the third round down the barrel. Wilh BH209 third round went down just a smooth as the first.
I'm pretty impressed with it too. I shot the best group I've ever fired with a ML the other day with a weighed 84gr ofBH209 and 300gr barnes expander mz.

Ran a 5 shot average of 2110fps with 38fps ES. That's pretty impressive performance. I loaded and shot a dozen shots the other day without cleaning.

The shot to the left was before scope correction, next three were inside .8 inch
Wow, yup, you guys are really pushing me now! That is some awesome shooting!
My encore always loads kinda hard but it shoots so well I can't complain.

I'm going to try some of the harvester hard cast sabots .451 400gr loads for a big Alaskan game load. The harvester sabots are supposed to load easier. I'm also going to try some 300gr Speer .451 bullets that I have left over from my 454 casual days.

I don't think you can go wrong with those Barnes expanders though because they are an absolute hammer. The 250 expander worked like a champ Ina large cow moose a couple years ago, broke a shoulder and exited far side.

You will like the Harvesters. I have used the black Harvesters with the 300gr Scorpion, 260gr Winchester Platinum, and 300gr Barnes Xpander.

Last season I started loading the black harvester with .458" bullets. Good accuracy went to great accuracy. I shot the 300gr Hornady HP, 300gr Speer HP and 350 Hornady FP with 105grs BH209. I buy the sabots in bulk 50 packs.
Have you chrono'ed any of the .458 loads Heath. I am thinking of giving Blackhorn 209 a shot in my old Thunderhawk. Pretty good muzzleloader but I can't help but try to refine it a little..
Nope, never checked them over a chrono. I know with the 350 Hornady recoil from my Encore was rather sporty.

I don't know if BH will work from a thunderhawk due to the ignition system?

I have a TC Thunderhawk, killed my first deer with it.
The 209 primer won't ignite it Heath?

I am running 777 magnum right now, so I am not in a bad place, was just wondering if 209 might be a little easier..
Good info. Mine isn't a closed breach, just converted to 209 ignition.

Might give it a try. I guess you never know?
I would try it and if it won't work then it's a great reason to buy and Encore. What a shame it would be to have some BH209 and nothing to shoot it in. :)
Bought a 5 pound jug of BH 209 which arrived this week. My shooting partner paid the HazMat for the 8 pounds of his Vit powder which showed up in stock 2 weeks ago. I should be set for a while now even though I'm splitting it with Dad.