Bought 1.5-5x20 Leupold VX3 for Jungle Rifle.


Ammo Smith
Nov 6, 2009
I have been threatening to do this and finally did. I bought a Leupold 1.5-5x20 VX-3, heavy reticle scope to mount on my Sako 85, .338 Federal. I considered buying VX-R but could not find anyhing but faint praise on reviews of that scope's optics, so I bought a VX-3 which is a nicer scope anyhow, despite not having the illuminated reticle of the 1.25-4 Hog, VX-R.

This way, I am equipped to hunt our state's Roosevelt elk who sneak through the jungles of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington with near impunity. I can keep this scope set on 1.5x and shoot with both eyes open, although that has never bothered me anyway.

These elk sneak around in the 10 foot high bracken (ferns) and often I have been close enough to see the steam off of their bodies and smell them really strongly and not see a hair on them. When you do see them, you have 3 seconds to identify and shoot before they disappear again like Harry Houdini.

I used to do a great deal of this type of hunting when I was young and impatient. Now I am old, patient and slow which actually, may work to my advantage. Time will tell but first I have to get well enough physically to do this hunting at all. I bet that I will heal enough to do this again? Meawhile my trusty .338 Federal is ready and I will range test it next week!
That scope should be a good match for your 338 Federal and nice and light which will keep your gun lively when it comes up and you plaster the crosshairs on a big old bull :)
For sure, Charlie, that scope was made for those conditions. You will do well with that. The 338 Federal will stand you in good stead.
I think so. The heavy crosshairs won't disappear into the drab and the gun is pretty lively and light with this setup. I think that it will be a winner for this application. Plus the .338 Federal is a .338 WM at 100 yards.
I'm pretty sure that is in the lead for scopes for my Rigby.

That sounds like an excellent elk rig. I really the VX 31.5-5x20mm scope. It should serve you well.

This is all working out better than I had hoped. With the assignment of the 1.5-5x20 newly purchased Leupold VX-3 to the .338 Federal, I ended up with a couple of surplus scopes when I sold the .340 Weatherby.

So, I rectified my sudden lack of shoulder cannons by buying a Ruger Number One in 9.3x74R just to balance my Mojo in a suitable fashion, if you can understand that. The Number One, 9.3x74R arrived a couple of days ago and is a pleasant surprise buildwise. I had owned some Number ones, back in the athe 1960's when they first came out but none for over 40 years now. This rifle is well balanced and made extremely well for the caliber and application thereof. It handles and balances very well for a single shot, large game rifle. Now for a scope for this beast.

It just so happens that one of the surplused scopes that I had on hand was a Zeiss Conquest 2.5-8x32. No only is this a balanced and suitable magification range for this caliber, it also is one of the most rugged (against recoil) Zeiss scopes (according to Zeiss literature). The scope also fits the rifle Quarter Rib perfectly and accomodates the riles built in iron sights by not having an overly large objective lens.

So, I now have two rifles which are specifically set up perfectly for the business at hand of harvesting a Roosevelt elk in its native jungles, with both rifles having sufficient power to achieve the task at hand with aplomb. I can shoot 225 gr Partitions at close to 2500 or the 210 Partitions at 2600 fps in the .338 Federal for a stalking rifle and in the other single shot, shooting 286 gr Partitions at 2350 fps for standing and still hunting situations where I do not want any walk-away by mostly dead elk after being hit. Or in other words, knock the suckers DRT, where they stand with a good sized blood trail to boot!

I do not know whether I will ever get the opportunity to put these strategies into practice but it does not matter. Anticipation and preparation is the major part of this game anyhow, otherwise you actually do fade away and die, mostly from boredom.
DrMike, I think that it will be a good scope for that rifle since I am bordering on and indirect fire (Artillery) piece anyhow with that caliber for elk.
Can't speak of the effectiveness of the calibre for elk (yet), but I do know that the .366 250 grain AB puts whitetail down right smartly! I'm doing my best to generate a reliable report on elk. :grin:
That 1.5x5 with a #4 reticle is a strong contender for my 45-70 should I ever scope it. I like the power range alot and the heavier reticle would be perfect for the close in shots. Sounds like a pair of cool rifles buddy. Looking forward to the range results.
We are having our monsoon at the moment and Donna and I are going on vacation next week. Ii may be a couple weeks until I can sort all this out at the range. It has been stormy and rainy here for two solid weeks now.
I just mounted that Zeiss on my .358 Ruger Hawkeye. Now to get some rounds loaded for it...
That .358 Haweye will nearly be a twin to my .338 Federal. I hope that it is a shooter for you.
Kurt, try some W748, WW cases, BR2's and a 225 PT. Instant elk load. Should be around 2450 as you get near the top.

Looking forward to seeing how it works in yours.
I have a pretty good stack of 225 Partitions for it, and at least 100 new WW cases. I know I have some Federal 210M, but I dunno about the BR2s, I'll have to look. I was thinking of trying TAC, as I have a pound of it already. I may have some 748 around here as well, I just don't know where.

Man, I really need to clean out my garage.
The BR-2's work great in my .338 Federal. I get relly good accuracy with these primers and the 210 Partitions.
These rainforest bulls?


Yeah buddy! I like the 1.5-5x on my .375 Number One. Great setup! No problem from really close to 200 or even 300 yards.



Poor rockchuck... He got .375'd!
