Bradley Smokers


May 12, 2005
Anyone have one of these? I just bought one from Cabela's. It's the original and was marked down $100 plus another $20 for the promotion.

I plan on using to hot smoke a piglet and other meats. Initially I'm going to try the hickory bisqettes on the above mentioned piglet. Ifigure about 4-5 hours at 250* ought to make some outstandin hot smoked pork.

That sounds good! What time should I arrive with the cold beverages. :grin:

I need to go find a suitable piglet first. I may have it in time for the 4th of July.

I bought one last fall. We've only used it once, but it did a super job smoking bison and salmon.

Not sure of your smoking experience, but as a reminder b4 the 4th, wash it out of all oils, then season it by doing a dry smoke run for a couple hours, get used to playing with the temps, etc... Then on the 4th, make sure you preheat it up to temps.. Go with 220-225* and a tish longer.. Rock and Roll.

Man now ya got me craving some brisket...... Did some jumbo shrimp on the weber yesterday and steaks tomorrow.... mmmmmmm...

So far, it's been worth the money. I got it on Friday, 26 Jun, went to the store on saturday and bought some chicken quarters and corn-on-the-cob. Smoked/cooked them using the hickory bisquettes. Awesome, some of the best chicken I've had in a long time.

Today, 4 July, I smiked/cooked an elk roast, corn-on-cob using oak bisquettes. Truely fantastic.

I'm really going to enjoy cooking/smoking with this smoker.