Browning ?


Dec 2, 2010
Do most Brownings like a full free floating barrel or a little pressure on the end? My 7mm RM has pressure on the last 2" of the stock.
...all the A-Bolts & X-Bolts are supposed to be free floated from the factory...
Well this A-Bolt is not free floating. I would be the house that this is the reason my late father-in-law said the 7mm is not the best shooter in the collection. I may have to bust out the sandpaper.
My Browning Xbolt is free floated...and shoots lights out.
I have my 7RM a-bolt 2 generously free floated, it had slight forend pressure when I got it and shot 1.5 MOA, when it was just free floated it shot just MOA, now it can shoot half that. The factory synthetic stock would flex just enough to put a little pressure at the forend so I opened it up and bedded the first 3 inches of the barrel for more support to prevent the pressure point.
Sounds like a little sand paper is in order! Let's see what that 7 will do.
They definitely prefer floating. My a bolts and safari's shot 1/2 moa after a good action bedding and float job. I had to do one twice, and extend the glass about 3 " in front of the receiver before it worked to my satisfaction.