Bullet? Arrow? or Deformity


Jan 24, 2012
I pulled my trail cam cards today and I have 10 or 12 pics of this adult doe with a right front leg that seems to have been shot, injured, or deformed. Either way she looks pretty darn healthy and I have never seen hide nor hair of her in all my time in the these woods.

What do you all think?

And I do have some antlered boys showing up as well... :grin: Nice to know they made it through. Both these cams are on Public land.

Can you see the 3 bucks in the pic??

Looking forward to putting some miles on the boots here soon for some shed hunting.
Wow, that is one tough doe. It does look like a bullet may have done the deed but could also have been a car accident or something, I would vote for a bullet though.

I think I can make out the third buck behind the second one, looks like the rut is on they way they are chasing each other. Hope you are able to bag one.
I think there are 4 bucks in that picture. If you look at the 2 in the trees, there are actually 2 close together, antlers real close together. You can see the hind end of the 4th buck just to the right of the tree. His is too far away and at the wrong angle to be the 3rd buck's body. Of course, my doctor did say that not only do I need glasses, but I need bifocals.

I zoomed the pic on my iPhone to see that other buck.
Nice pictures Pat.
Hard to tell what happened to the doe. Shoot her next fall and let us know.

I don't think it was the road that caused it. She is about 3/4 of a mile from the road, which is a dirt Army Corp road where you can't go 20-25 mph cause its so rough, and over 2 miles from any paved road. I'm thinking rifle wound.

I have found 4 deer in the last two years that succumbed to rifle wounds no where near the vitals. Mostly shot in the hams, guts, or back legs, then suffered while passing. The ground is always tore up around them, and I always find them within 200 yards of the field. Makes me think people are blasting away as they run across the field and when nothing drops... " I missed".. makes me mad.
I think there are 4 deer in that second pic. Looks like one to the left of the buck in the background.
Cool pics.
As for the doe, you're gonna have to hang a tag on her next year and let us know.
If your area is anything like ours to the south, some yahoo probably shot her with a .22 LR.