Bullet measurements


Sep 11, 2009
Does anyone have a .270 130gr Sierra gameking that they could take a measurement of? I am interested in the distance between the ogive and base as well as the overall length of this bullet. I want to compare it to the measurements I have taken of the 130gr AB. I am thinking the Sierra will be somewhat shorter since it does not have the ballistic tip.
I`ve found by accident that although very close, the hole some comparators isn`t the same from tool to tool, even the same brand. This means the tool contacts the ogive at a slightly different spot and voids any direct comparison if the same tool isn`t used. Also I have no loose bullets of either type on my bench at present to measure.

But..... I just happen to have shot loads useing both bullets in the past and the measurements I`ve recorded claim the cartridge base to ogive was 2.70" in both loads. The overall lgt from cartridge base to bullet tip was 3.205" for the Sierra 130gr SPBT, and 3.255" for the Nosler 130 BT.

hope this helped. :)