Bullet selection for large hogs


Oct 19, 2007
I do a lot of still hunting in the river bottoms for hogs, and occasionally come pretty close. The last one was just over three hundred pounds, I shot him at maybe 30 feet, and he had a couple of companions. Luckily their exit route was in the opposite direction, but I have had them head straight for me. I use a .308 Win, and have been using the 180 Partition, but I am wondering if a 165 AccuBond would make a better allround load for deer and hogs, and still hold together when things get a little hairy. If anyone has experience with this, would love to have your thoughts.


Welcome to the forum!

The 180 gr PT from your 308 Win is a solid performer and will give you deep penetration and plenty of stoping power from any angle on a hog.
I think it would be better than the 165 gr AB.
If you really want to change, try the 180 gr AB.

Knowing a little bit about how tough hogs are, and how you want them to run the other way, I would suggest sticking with the 180gr, if only because it is likely to pack a little more 'inertia' when hitting them, as well as be a little stouter in nature if your shots are at 100 instead of 10 yards. Is the 180 grouping well for you? I assume you are only looking at the 165 in order to have a single load for both deer and hogs? If so, consider that the overall trajectory of the two bullets is going to be about 1" apart at 300yds, and about 2" apart at 400yds. In fact, the maximum point blank range is going to run about 9yds apart, 255 for the 165gr and 246 for the 180gr. I'd shoot the 180 all day long, my friend.
I appreciate your replies, they both sound like good advice.
