Cabelas instinct euro HD spotting scope


Sep 30, 2004
I used a Nikon Prostaff 5 spotter for the last few years. It was a decent spotter and served its purpose until a buddy of mine borrowed it and sunk his wheeler in a river crossing, the Nikon and its tripod washed away never to be seen again.

He replaced it but since then the head has broken off the last two. It was warranty replaced once. This year when I got it out to check a moose it had broken off again. I'm sure they would replace it again but I decided I was done with it.

I went to cabelas and picked thru some that they had on hand. I compared vortex razor HD 20-60x85, leupold Kenai HD 25-60x80, Swarovski 20-60x65, and the instinct euro HD 20-70x82. Of the bunch the instinct euro HD was the clearest. I liked the focus of the razor HD the best but the glass quality of the instinct won me over. It didn't hurt that by getting a cabelas credit card I got over $500 back from the purchase of the instinct.

I was amazed at how much better this scope was than the ones I've had in the past. I was able to count brow points way further than I have been able to in the past. I took a bunch of cell phone pictures but it doesn't come close to the real image quality when actually looking thru it.




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Excellent review. Looks to be a scope worth looking at (and through).
Also it fits perfectly in a pelican 1500 hard case. After all the problems I have had with spotting scopes in the past, either breaking or floating away I figured a good hard case was in order!
Very nice. I'm pretty sure that when I can afford another spotter it will be one of those or a straight up Meopta. Their glass seems very good to me. I run the Meopta 10x42 HDs and love them.
Interesting as I get older I am noticing that my eyes are getting a little tired :shock:. Once I get this Range Finder problem looked after I am likely going to be looking for a spotting scope mostly for distance watching of Whitetail Bucks!!
I would be mounting it on the side window of my truck during scouting trips (y).
Thanks for the report it was very informative.
