California lead bullet ban

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Quoted from SCI:

"Despite the strong opposition of SCI and other sporting groups, the California Fish and Game Commission expanded a statutory ban on the use of lead ammunition in condor "range" in central and southern California (about a 1/3 to 1/4 of the State). Lead ammunition is now prohibited in condor range for all big game (e.g., deer, elk, bear, wild pig) and non-game birds and mammals (e.g., crow, coyote, ground squirrels). While the legislative ban recently passed by the California Legislature and signed by Governor Schwarzenegger did not include non-game bird and mammals (other than coyote) and did not cover rimfire firearms, the regulatory ban covers all of these. Most troubling, the regulatory ban covers .22 caliber rimfire rifles, used mainly for small game. Currently, no nonlead ammunition exists for this firearm. In addition, the State's environmental review concluded that nongame bird and mammal carcasses do not represent a significant threat to the condor. The regulatory ban tracks the statutory ban's definition of condor "range" to include large areas of historic range where no condors currently exist. Consistent with SCI's comments, the Commission did define nonlead ammunition as allowing up to 1% lead, as currently available nonlead ammunition contains trace amounts of lead. Under the statute, the Commission must establish procedures to certify nonlead ammunition and a coupon reimbursement program if private funds can be found. Finally, the Commission established that mere possession of uncertified (i.e., leaded) ammunition and a firearm capable of discharging it in condor "range" is a violation of the law punishable by up to a $1,000 fine and a year in jail. The lead ammunition ban goes into effect on July 1, 2008. "

Looks like Barnes and Nosler are well set to take this market... Sure would stink to be a southern-California hunter with a great lead/conventional bullet load or a mess of ammunition and not be able to use it. Hopefully this madness won't spread to the rest of the state or surrounding states...

Governor Schwarzenegger is clueless on this non issue! Is this ban also going to cover all the gang related crimes? Just think, the bad boyz can't use lead bullets any more. :shock:

I'd like to make some broad generalizations about California....Im thinkin it, but I wont :wink: The anti's will get us one way or another. CL

The heck I sense arguing with an idiot! :wink:
Well I am afraid to say that Minnesota is not far behind....I recently filled out a survey for the Dept of Natural Resources. I was slanted, and the intent is to ban lead in Mn.....the end is near :cry:
yup, can't even possess a weapon, be it 22, muzzleloader, pistol, or
rifle in 20% of CA next year if you have ammo for it that contains more
than 1% lead in the projectile. Even in your own home. The "scientist/politician"
Graham Chisholm who pushed for this managed to exempt his own
shooting sport of upland bird hunting from the lead ban however.
Well boys sadly it is an international issue and it is just one more way for them to get at the 'small arms'. There is actually an international body that is working towards banning the use of lead in bullets globally and Canada and the US sit on it.

They will just pick away at us a little bit at a time. Most guys pay no attention to any of this until it affects them personally/locally. There are groups pushing for the total ban of lead shot even for upland birds and at trap ranges, others are trying to close all gun ranges due to lead contamination. A bit here and a bit there....................

In Europe some of the countries are in the process of imposing lead bans for all hunting and setting implimentation dates. This has been coming for several years and yet most hunters know nothing about it. Might have something to do with the fact that only about 5% or the firearms community belongs to the NRA and the Canadian equivalents. Even at local game club levels everyone remains oblivious of the big picture.

Things are happening and none of them are good.
We will have to remind the politicians that vote in these laws that THEY WILL BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE.

JD338............does that actually work where you live? It sure doesn't here as we are way too outnumbered. If the politicians and media get together they will convince the general non-hunting public, the masses of well intentioned but uninformed, of whatever they want.

I don't mean to sound too jaded..............although maybe I am.........but we as hunters and shooters in all countries are grotesquely outnumbered by those who are not. All I have ever seen is a steady chipping away, there is the odd victory for our side, but overall it has been a steady downhill slide for all of us.

Barnes was way ahead of it's time, but Nosler's new E-tip should get people's attention. I know that has to have been in the works for a while and was not designed as a result of the condor issue. They are getting on the bandwagon because they know what is coming down the pike.
The very sad thing is that the matched pair of SKB shotguns I own, don't shoot steel, My weekend trapshoots will go away, 22 cal fun will is insane. I have over 200 lbs of shot....made up rounds... and I can't even guess how many lbs of various bullets that contain lead...My previous post was incorrect in that I typed "I slanted" the survey was pits conservation and wildlife survivel against lead...........
I believe it. Nothing about this state surprises me! Im not offended in the least. Its that way all over I guess. CL
There was an article about this in the paper this weekend & I did not get a chance to read it. Living in California, and in "condor country", I think this is still insane. I am 120% for wildlife/environmental management but like everything else in Calfornia those that enact laws have screwed it up. Just because an anti-gun/anti-hunting group believe it's right does not mean it should be a law.
Give it time & this will be statewide. I would also not be surprised if we will have to start waiting 11 days for our "certified" ammunition purchases as well!