Can I make 257 wby brass from 7 RM??


May 19, 2007
I've looked at the diamensions of the 7mmRM case and was wondering if I can resize and fireform to 257 or 270 wby Mag?? I know it's a little messing around, but the savings would be significant. Just curious.

I'm not sure if you can or not but the rounded shoulder would definitely cause issues but maybe could be fireformed?
Grandpa used to make it from .300 H&H brass, 'cause that was the only belted magnum brass he could get his paws on in the early 1950's.

I think you'll be able to make it from 7mm brass just fine.
Yes you can but I think the neck will be .040"shorter than regular .257 brass. I have a friend that is loading them and can tell no difference in his loads.
Thanks for the info. I have a 264 win also, so I can step the brass down twice and then fireform. I wldn't have to neck turn if I went down by 0.02" and then another 0.01" I don't have a 257 at the moment, but the round is pretty potent. If the brass is affordable, it would really change the cost of owning a wby vanguard 257. Be about the same cost as a 7mm RM.

I have read that you can make 257 Wby from 7mm Rem Mag brass. I have no first hand experience with this.

I haven't done a ton of converting but I can tell you that I tried it with brass that was once fired AND IT DIDN'T GO WELL.
I would put forth this idea...that virgin brass will work much better for converting to weatherby.
I bought a set of FL dies to try this, the few brass I reworked look alright, but I haven't got a 257 wby. I would love a Rem 700 257, but they are not availible in Canada. Might go with another savage rebarrel, but we'll see what the budget looks like for this winter.

they still need fireforming, the shoulder looks a little deflated up against a weatherby factory brass. 1grain of unique and cream of wheat would solve that problem.

Yes you can. Needs fireforming as stated and trim (if needed) and trn the necks. I do this everytime to ensure similar neck thickness.
What charge/method of fireforming do you use? The live fireform or the Cream of wheat method?? what charges, what thickness do you turn the necks down to? All the conversions I've done are 30-06 to 280 or 270, that is it. I'd sooner ask, then ruin equipment I guess.

seems like alot of work to gain little over a 25-06 where brass is a plenty and your gaining so little? each to his own. I would look at finding a 25-06 and save alot of time and work myself.
Well, as you said to each his own. I enjoy reloading, especially when I can do most of it watching TV or just winding down after work. I use a Forester hand neck turning tool. It mellows me out. AS for the benefits being marginal, you're partly right. In Canada the 25-06 costs about 30-40 dollars a box to shoot. Not much less than the 257 if I shoot the Hornady stuff. It doesn't really take me all that long to run 50 rounds thro a neck size die and then a FL 257 die. The neck turning most likely won't be needed with the NC brass I ordered. The first 50 I made from Winchester 7mm brass, the necks needed to be turned. I'm uncertain if it was the resizing or just poor brass, but even after turning off a full thou, there was still a slight difference side to side on the enck thickness, somewhere around 0.0005" It seems even the Nosler seconds are very good. At least the 264 stuff was, I had no difference before I turned it. I ordered 200 rnds of 7mm Rem Mag to turn 100 into 257 also. And the other 100 I'll just save.

I really like having the extra case capacity availible to me in the 257. If I had gotten a 25-06, I would be at max with the medium forming loads I used giving around 3000FPS with a 120grn bullet. Whereas, the 257 could still go up to 3200FPS if I want to use up powder. I will not fault the 25-06 tho, it is a great round too. Regrettably, I am a :lol: MAGNUM :lol: fanatic. MOre just has to be better. Even tho there are alot of good conventional chamberings out there.

Darn fine cartridge the 257 Roy...But I'm a 25-06 kinda guy.Velocity is somewhat close brass is cheap loads straight forward and it give's you 6 rounds in the rifle.Not much not to like...But then again not much not to like in the Roy either.
mag capacity and the fact that you can use 30-06 brass are both big advantages of the 25-06. Like you said not much to dislike about either of them. Now if only I had bought some 110 Accubonds last weeks when they were availible as seconds.....
