Can they outlaw your reloading?!?!?!?!?

"They" can outlaw anything they want to if the people allow them to do so. I know, I live in MA :evil:
Hopefully the NRA will get involved with this one!
The best way to curb this is to vote these antis out of office, and let them know why.
Gun Control will take on a whole new meaning if that NY Senator gets into the White House!

The Supreme Court will hear the oral arguments in Heller v. DC on Mar 18th, not that far away now. Some estimates are that they will issue their ruling in June.

My reading of the tea leaves is Chicago and the state of Illinois gun banners will be busy handling law suits after that as people use the 2nd Amendment as an individual right ruling I expect to see from the Court.

I expect to be doing the same thing here in California.

JD338":2m0s4aru said:
The best way to curb this is to vote these antis out of office, and let them know why.
Gun Control will take on a whole new meaning if that NY Senator gets into the White House!


Hell yes!

They did it in Greece so it has been done before!
Obamma is even worse on guns. And they don't have to outlaw reloading. All they have to do is pass a Ammo Serialization bill. I don't think any of us can afford the equipment to laser etch every bullet, and every case.
Antelope_Sniper":3kxmhnbr said:
Obamma is even worse on guns. And they don't have to outlaw reloading. All they have to do is pass a Ammo Serialization bill. I don't think any of us can afford the equipment to laser etch every bullet, and every case.

Neither can the bad guys!

Sorry CL, I mean no disrespect, but why ask Nosler for help? The best way to stop this kind of attack on our rights is for each and every shooter, hunter, handloader and outdoors man to "Vote Their Sport". Pay attention, know how your candidates will vote on "Gun Control" issues. If you are unsure how a particular candidate stands on Gun Control, contact the NRA. they will be more than happy to help. If they can't help and you are still unsure, vote the safe percentage and never vote Democrat.

It never ceases to amaze me with all of the shooters and hunters that do not have a clue as to what is going on in the fight for our second amendment rights. Every day I see PU trucks and SUVs with NRA stickers plastered all over them. Then amongst all those NRA Pro 2nd Amendment sticker is a boat load of Political Bumper sticker supporting their favorite Left Wing politician. There bumpers look something like this.


They do not have a clue that their NRA membership contributions are being spent fighting the very candidates that they support.
Heller is just the tip of the iceberg. The real test will be all the follow-on cases that determine what Heller means.
Steve- No offense taken. Far as that goes, posted this because I do pay attention to where I vote. While I think the NRA takes a bunker mentality to some issues instead of really going after public support and education I support them as well. I support my local gun club and am an officer there. Thats were the real grass roots efforts go on. People around here may not be pro or anti gun one way or the other but they are impressed that our gun club hands out several scholarships a year at the high school, that we put several dozen kids through firearm safety every year(our members are instructors), that we support a local chapter of "capable partners" an organization that provides hunting and fishing support for the disabled....

As for why I posted this here- I shoot an FN Mauser chamberd in 250-3000 Savage. It is the only centerfire rifle I have or may be able to afford and the chances of me finding a box of that on the shelf are rare. So I reload (more accurately Dad does it for me) with some 40+ year old herters equiptment. If anybody makes that illegal or too much more expensive I am done shooting (and that is what they want).

That being said, I figured there were a few guys who frequent this board who would pass this info on. AND if I cant reload I sure wont be buying any more balistic tips!!!!! I figured Nosler's got more clout and money than me and maybe they would want to look out for the guys who still buy bullets 50 at a time.

I said I was not offended, but if you havent figured it out I am VERY WORRIED and thoroughly disgusted with more political BS. "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" I'll do what I can wherever I can. CL
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is calling on lawmakers in the states of Washington, Arizona, New York, Illinois, Hawaii and several other states to scrutinize legislation that would require ammunition coding, because it mandates a soul source monopoly for a Seattle-based company that owns the technology.Based on a story in the new edition of Gun Week, and a look at virtually identical legislation that has been introduced in several states, CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said there are serious questions that need to be addressed about these measures, and the effort to pass them into law.

"Sponsors of bills that would require coding of cartridge casings and bullets in their respective states have neglected to mention that there is only one company in the country with the technology, and that company has been working with a 'hired-gun' consulting firm that offers its help to lawmakers drafting the legislation," Gottlieb said. "Essentially, you have state legislators working as promoters for a company called Ammunition Coding System, pushing measures in at least ten states that would mandate the use of this proprietary technology at the expense of gun owners.

"Even if the technology were licensed to various ammunition manufacturers," he continued, "it still puts one company in a monopoly position. On its own website, the company even acknowledges that legislation would be required to implement what many gun owners believe is a back-door gun registry, by forcing dealers to keep records on who purchases ammunition.

"Creating a technology, and applying for a patent while hiring a consulting firm to push legislation that requires this technology is horribly self-serving," Gottlieb added. "The fact that in every state these measures are being pushed, the sponsors are anti-gun lawmakers, simply adds to the suspicion.

"Giving one company a legislated monopoly in any other area would bring down a media firestorm," Gottlieb stated. "The government would never allow it. State senators, representatives or assemblymen who get involved with this effort should ask themselves just what it's worth to essentially be lobbyists for a monopoly."
This is similar to what happened with trigger locks. Who do you think were the main propononts of trigger locks? Yep, the people making them.
JD338":z4d015kv said:
The best way to curb this is to vote these antis out of office, and let them know why.
Gun Control will take on a whole new meaning if that NY Senator gets into the White House!


Remember though, this bill is in Illinois and we KNOW who is a senator from there now don't we.