Canadian Politics


Nov 8, 2006
Conservatives have won a majority. This is a BIG deal for Canadians. The Prime Minister has pledged to get rid of the long gun registry. Western Canada is pretty well painted Tory Blue tonight.
Well being new here I never got to reply to this when it was fresh but I will now say YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Was wataching it on the hotel room tv when I was on a guided turkey hunt had to get up at 4 in the morning and watched it till about 12:30 am eastern time. I was suprised though at the brown shirts getting the offical oposition. Not too worrried though with what has been going on with them since the election and the new unexperenced members( :roll:) I think they will slide down the sloap they have greased for themselves. I could write more about our political situation but you never say no to a grilled steak have a good one fellas
My only comment is that I read Liberal-PM Candidate, Michael Ignatieff's article in "The New Yorker" magazine about how he would have handled the situation to save us from 9/11, the oil (OPEC) crises (and ourselves!). I very nearly wet my pants while reading that (Harvard Professor) idiot's self justification and political wet dream! However, it assured Conservative victory.
Congratulations, Mike. We now need to do the same here with our Senate and President. Unseat the libs and elect CONSERVATIVES (whether tea party, republican, or even conservative Dems).
Unfortunately, Scott, I'm unable to help extensively in that department. I vote for President, but if I vote for Senator or Congressman I lose my exemption for income tax purposes. There are benefits and deficits as an ex-pat. I still vote for President from Texas as that was my last State of residence. Ergo, I'm depending on you fellows in 2012.
Politics is not worth losing your TE status as a Minister. Hopefully, Obama will continue stepping on his own tonque as he has been this week.
Actually, I get no exemption as a minister. The exemption is for any expatriated US citizen who resides outside of the United States for more than a minimum number of days. Thus, income earned (up to a maximum amount) is exempted from US taxes. The assumption is that since you are paying taxes to another nation, you won't be double taxed, which would be onerous. Fortunately (!!! :shock: ) I've never earned enough as a minister to have to pay taxes to the IRS. On the other hand, the Canada Revenue Agency seems to do a pretty good job of helping themselves to what I earn. :evil:

Consequently, one of the promises from the Conservatives was that they would abolish the Long Gun Registry. When Parliament resumes in September, we should see some changes taking place in that department. As a minority government, they proclaimed an annual amnesty for several years running. They did this because they did not have control of the Parliament to pass the legislation abolishing what quickly became a costly Liberal boondoggle.
I hope that they do repeal the Long Gun Registry just if for no other reason than it does not work and is another onerous law that they may enforce someday.

I never lived out of the US long enough to make the qualification period for the exemption. However, I did pay lots of Canadian taxes while living up there and filed both. Canadian taxes are high enough that I never owed the US any more money.
Here is how our PM is doing. Not making friends, but standing for what he believes is right.

"(Canada will) stand for what is right. No longer does this country just go along with everyone else's agenda. Our aim is no longer to please every dictator with a vote at the United Nations."

Stephan Harper. ... 30248.html

I couldn't be happier to have voted for him.
And he continues to enjoy my support so long as he continues to stand firm on these principles. Go, Stephen!
Way to go Canada! That is great. Hope he is following through with his ideas. Hopefully it is contagious! Scotty
Go for it PM Harper, I wish that our President had some principles! Obama has already vowed to push for support of UN Agenda 21 (goodbye guns), if reelected.
I on the far other end of the opinion line cannot wait for this right-wing conservative to be out of office. He stands for nothing that well all stand for in Quebec, be it on the social, economic, cultural, enviromental, foreing policies or else.

If my work agreement wouldn't prevent me from telling you how I realllllllllllllllly feel about Bush's little brother, I would, but I won't.
I remember Quebecois's arrival in the little east shore community where my dad lived ouside of Montreal. It split the town right down the middle in what had been a growing suburb of both cultures living well together. All of the sudden it mattered to the Quebecois what your surname was and what your native language was. It went downhill and I got out of there and never went back! Sneetches with stars for heaven sake!

I hope that Mr. Harper has a long and successful career as Prime Minister of Canada! He sounds like the right man at the right time.
CanuckBen":n25gipsv said:
I on the far other end of the opinion line cannot wait for this right-wing conservative to be out of office. He stands for nothing that well all stand for in Quebec, be it on the social, economic, cultural, enviromental, foreing policies or else.

If my work agreement wouldn't prevent me from telling you how I realllllllllllllllly feel about Bush's little brother, I would, but I won't.

Lets leave that at the door, you don't really expect me to agree with you anyway.
Mooswa":3dpv9hpv said:
Quebec!? The title of this thread says Canadian Politics.

That's right, Québec. The French, English, Native American, Immigrants and everyone else in between who live here.

Are you telling me that its not an integral part of the Canadian politic scene then?