Case trimmers


Aug 20, 2011
Was measuring some .243 cases the other night and apparently they are getting a little long in the tooth. Out of 154 cases I have 50 in spec to load. So what do you guys have and what's the best need something simple well built and precise. No power trimmers. Unless there is a consensus that is the way to go. Manual labor doesn't bother me as I polished 150 cases by hand the other night with 0000 steel wool. Maybe after a week of doing that straight it wouldn't be so tiring.
I have both the Redding 2400 and the RCBS Trim Pro. Either works well. I've also used the Forster Case Trimmer, which also works well. Any will work, and each has some advantages. The RCBS unit is easier on my aging hands. The Redding 2400 is quicker to set up because of the micrometer. Either gives me a consistent trim length.
Jake, I run the RCBS, it is the older style with the collet system. I was about to junk it as trim lengths weren't the consistency I was looking for. I ditched using a pilot bit any further and made sure I checked them up squarely and my measurements are are within .001" about every case now. I am going to continue to use it. Rather spend my money on other stuff right now.

If had to buy a new one, the Sinclair Ultimate Trimmer would be my pick today. Looks very slick and has a micrometer adjustment as well.
Scotty, I had a similar experience with the TrimPro version of the RCBS trimmer. Discovered two things. First, be sure you don't have oil residue on the cutter shaft, or your adjuster nuts will move ever so slightly. Second, I still use a pilot, but I put it in the cutter, snug up to a case I've run through the sizer, making sure the pilot is firmly in the cutter, and then tighten the pilot in place. Seems to have fixed my drift issue, and left me with the case mouth support.
G'Day Fella's,

NV Bronc Rider, I have about 4 case trimmers that are sitting there, gathering dust!
The reason for this is, about 28 years ago, a good mate of mine told me to get a Wilson Case Trimmer.
I did and I haven't looked back at the other trimmers ever since!!!

I purchased mine from Sinclairs International, along with the case holders to suit my collection of case types and also a power drive adapter.
One weekend, I FLS and then trimmer 900+ .223Rem cases with this trimmer and a cordless drill, via the power drive adapter!!!
The Wilson trimmer may not be for everybody but I personally believe it is the best thing available!

Hope that helps

Another vote for the Wilson case trimmer. A well-designed product that's been around for a long time. I also like the Lyman trimmer with that universal case holder feature.