Cast Bullets

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
Anyone shooting cast bullets in their 35Whelen :?:
Been reading over on the Cast Boolit web page and NOE Forums and just curious if anyone here is shooting cast bullets in their Whelen :?: (y)
Guy I have both 35-06 and 30-06 but no 25-06. But for the 25 I have a 257 so you need to get a 35-06 to catch up. :roll: :lol: :mrgreen:
For the last 10 yrs I have shot just cast to hunt with. Have shot our MI white tails with 300 win mag,450 Marlin, 458AccRel,44 mag and my new fav 9.3x62. 12 deer and 1 hog All but one one shot kills but one and I hit him to far back. I feel that under 200 yds I give up nothing to them new fangled bullets. My 9.3 has had only one jacketed bullet threw it and my brother grabbed it out of a box that I got just to have. He want to screw up my never a jacketed just cast thing. Clint
I have a few molds for the .35 Whelen ranging from 200 gr. to 280 gr. I even have some of each cast up but to be honest, I just haven't gotten around to running and through my Whelens. I even have that vaunted Lyman #3589, a nominally 280 gr. bullet that comes out at about 265 gr. in my alloy. I also have a custom mold that clones that one by David Mos when he did a group run for the cast boolits forum. I haven't gotten either one of those to shoot worth spit so far with what little I've done. I have an RCBS 250 that I have not tried yet and a couple of RCBS 200s to play with. I also have a few of the semi-antique Lyman molds and they don't shoot worth spit in the Whelen or the .358 Win. The Lyman #3589 I have that so many covet has a gas check shank that is too small to even hold the check in place. I used some contact cement to keep them on and even tried 5 minute epoxy. It does work but you have to be fast to get them done before it sets. :lol: I've hunted with cast, mainly with a 30-30 and if memory serves I've taken 17 deer with them. They work just fine. The mold that is holding my interest at this point is the one I haven't used. It's a nominal 250 gr. bullet by RCBS that when I bought it a few years back was considered a custom mold and commanded a higher price. I should fire up the pot and do a run of them. I plan on running them like I do the Lyman #311291 I 30-30, .308 Win. and 30-06, with the bullet's nose slightly into the rifling if the magazine will allow. I've gotten my best accuracy with cast doing it that way in the 30 calibers so see no reason why it would not work in the .35's.
Paul B.