Cat Hunting


Oct 5, 2006
What is the best way to hunt Bob Cat. Just to be clear I am looking for any and all info. Baits, calls, decoys, ext.
:lol: :cry:
I have had some success useing a predater call.You have to be verry patient thoe.It takes about an hour for them to commit,& come out where you can see them.& you have to keep a carefull eye out.they will sneak into sight,just enough to see you,& wait,'till they think the coast is clear before comeing out.
I did a lot of cat and bear hunting as a younster; my friend's dad had a guide business. He always used hounds. I also used a live trap to capture several cats along the river years ago. They are nocturnal and are very reluctant to show themselves during the day. If you are just looking to rid an area of cats, live traps are the best way to go for sure. If you are looking to hunt them as a sport, go to the link JD 338 gave you. Good luck..

Cat this? :twisted:

Hhahahahah----That's funny. How in the heck did you ever come up with that one? I wish my cat knew how to use a 22LR. She could do some night time snipping and rid our area of some of Coyotes that run the hills at night. 8)