Don't have a chrony yet but I have a couple of questions regarding their use: how far can they be from the muzzle and still be accurate/useful? The public range where I shoot has long (at least 18 feet) steel "tubes" you have to shoot through, in order to keep folks from spraying bullets everywhere. The other range has the bench area elevated 5 or 6 feet to give a better angle into the backstops for the same reason. I don't have a tripod that extends that high to reach from the ground to level with the bench top. Probably wouldn't be all that steady anyway.
Can a chrony be placed 20 feet from the muzzle and still be useful? Will shooting through a 20 foot long 20 inch steel tube have an adverse affect on the readings?
Can a chrony be placed 20 feet from the muzzle and still be useful? Will shooting through a 20 foot long 20 inch steel tube have an adverse affect on the readings?