Chronograph Suggestions


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Help me out guys!

I want to buy a chronograph. I have been considering the
Oehler 35 w/ 3 sky screens and also Pact.
I would greatly appreciate your comments and recomendations.


Hi JD338, I just bought a Prochrono Digital unit. I used one years ago and it worked great. It is very easy to use and is much cheaper than the Oehler and Pact units. I like it because the other units, while I am sure work very well are a pain to transport and set up. The Prochrono Digital is a self contained lightweight unit that you can install on a tripod and set up in about a minute. Its' only downside is the lack of remote control (available, but costs extra). It runs around a hundred bucks and has a larger shotting area than the Shooters Chronys. If I were to choose between the Pact and the Oehler, I would go for the Oehler hands down. I have used one of the old Model 33's before, but much preferred the Prochrono Digital for ease of transport and set up. My 2¢ worth.
I've owned several different chronographs. The only chronograph that was trouble free and incredably reliable is my Oehler 33P.

Save yourself a lot of money and aggravation by buying a quality chronograph the first time. Buy an Oehler - you will be glad that you did.
Hello, I have a CHRONY, worked the first time, all the time, no hassle easy to use and very convient.

This looks interesting! Is it user friendly?
Where did you get your CED Millenium?

Thanks for youe help.


I have the CED Millenium. Bought it from the site linked above.

Later added the IR since the lighting conditions are difficult where I shoot.

It's a breeze to use. The big LED is super.

If aperson can afford an Oehler, they make sense. For those with a lower budget, the CED is a good alternative.
I've been using a Pact for the last 15yrs. and other than shooting the sky screens once or twice or the batteries running low, I have never had a problem with it.
Oehler 35 w/ 3 sky screens -------
all the way! No contest!
What SevenShooter said . . . It's a snap to set up and to use, and if memory serves, it's claimed to be unusually accurate.

I'd be remiss if I didn't admit that I lust after RSI's PressureTrace . . .


JD338":17ny81ig said:

This looks interesting! Is it user friendly?
Where did you get your CED Millenium?

Thanks for youe help.


I just bought a Prochrony from Cabelas and have had good luck with it. It's the first time I've owned one so I have nothing to compare it against but the price was right. I've shot about everything from a 300 FPS bow to a 7MM through it and it 's real consistant.
Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions.
I'm not sure yet what I am going to get, but I will let you know after I decide.


I have had a Chrony, used a Pact Professional and have owned an Oehler 35P for over 10 years. The Oehler is without a doubt the best of the three I have had experience with.Rick.
I've owned a shooting chrony for years; works good,lasts a long time. I sold it and got a pact #1 because of the remote read out and the larger s hooting area. Now maybe my situation is unusual but I've had nothing but trouble with the pact shooting my .375, .338 and .416. I've called pact and been told the concussion is too great or the wires to the remote are touching (they are insulated and seperate cables) and I should try putting a sand bag on my cables a foot from the read out unit. Thi pact is a pain to put up, it's bulky and a bunch of seperate pieces to transport unless you have a 30 in long bag to put it all in. 35 shots later I don't have a clue what any of the velocities are.. I thought chrony tech support was reaching for straws . I changed distances to the sky screens, shot thrue different areas of the sky screen field and prayed. I did go home after that range session and tried my kids BB pistol and you know what? It worked perfectly for that. Now I know the Pact product must work good for somebody but I ordered a shooting Chrony today to replace it with. So if you want a Pact #1 with all the accessories except the printer send me your address and make an offer, "cheap". NO I'm not kidding!!! :(
I have had a Accurcron which used metalized paper screens, made a ballistic pendulum and then got a Pact. The Pact was giving me low readings even with a calibrated five foot spacing and Pact told me that there was nothing wrong with it. So I gave it away to by friend and when he sent it back to Pact they told him that the clock as off.

Meanwhile I happened upon a Oehler 35P and that's very good but I have not used it in 6 months. It's just a hassle to set up and if there is a breeze the screens may sail away.

To be frank I like chronographs and have a sea of data. When the wind lets up I am going to set it up.

I have had a long conversation with CD Millenium and I was very impressed. I wish the Oehler would put data right into my computer.