Cleaning rifles Doc's way!

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Started this afternoon cleaning a few rifles for people that saw me at the range cleaning after each shot :)
Mike really made an impression on me and now I am going to see if I can get the same results as he does.
The first rifle is a BDL in the 06 variety and I am not sure if it has ever saw a cleaning rod :lol: I am just waiting the last few minutes as on this one I am using Wipeout. I will then go through the steps shown to me.

Yup, a clean rifle is a happy rifle.

Care to share the way Doc cleans his rifles? I asked a question some time back about the "best" method used for cleaning a rifle and got several varrying responses. Perhaps Doc's way will confirm some of the other methods posted.


JD338":2589jlj0 said:
Yup, a clean rifle is a happy rifle.


I am with Jim and alot of others here. I tend to over clean my stuff, but I can't see it hurting anything actually and once they are smoothed out, they clean up pretty quickly and I see to be able to shoot more out of them without noticing an accuracy drop off.
In my experience, it depends on the rifle. I have a couple rifles that shoot decidedly better with a fouled bore, and I mean fouled to the tune of over 20 rounds down the pipe.

I think way too much is made over eliminating all copper from a rifle bore, and believe that too many trips of a steel rod down the bore can harm the bore. The thing that really hurts a bore is carbon fouling.
I had over 40 rounds down the barrel when I shot my best group ever..075" outta a 22-250 with factory ammo.
sask boy":6d825tme said:
............ is a BDL in the 06 variety and I am not sure if it has ever saw a cleaning rod..............

