Cleaning Scope Lens


Mar 23, 2010
I would appreciate some advice on cleaning the lenses of scopes. I have an old Leupould 2.5 X 8 VXIII purchased in 1985 that is starting to collect dust & debris at the edges of both ocular & objective lens. How do I clean it without scratching the lens?

Happy Shootin
Perhaps the easiest way to clean the lens is to carry pre-moistened lens pads sold at drug stores or in the eye care department of major chains. Alternatively, purchase some lens paper and lens cleaner (or use isoproply alcohol diluted with distilled water). A couple of drops of solution on the lens and a careful wipe with the lens paper will work magic in cleaning the lens without scratching them. It can be beneficial to purchase a Lens Pen from Leupold, or any of a number of scope manufacturers. A squeeze bulb from a camera store will blow dust off, but the wipes or lens paper will be needed to remove finger prints, grease, etc.
As usual Dr Mike is right on the money. Just buy a Leupold lens pen. Heck, everyone has them these days, Cabela's, etc. Use the brush end to get the dirt and debri off then use the other end to clean the lens. These thing seem to last forever, as do Leupold scopes, I have a couple of 2.5 X 8 Leupold's that are way older than yours and they are still a great product.
I use a lens pen. They run about 10 bucks.

Thanks guys

I went down to local Bass Pro and bought one. It works very well.

Happy Shooting
I love the Lens Pen's. I should riggers tape one of them to each and every one of my rifles that has a scope. They work great and are pretty handy to keep the glass clean. Scotty
I pack a Lens Pen and premoistened lens cloths in each rifle case. That way, they are always handy. Of course, I have lens paper and premoistened lens cloths in my range kit.
I use the ziess pre moistend lens cloths , I think I bought a pack of 1000 for like 14$ proably 7-8 years ago and still using them, I have the bushnell lens pen aswell. One little trick I do is use the pre moistend cloth to dampen the soft side of the lens pen, it seems to wipe a bit cleaner. So I brush first, then ziess cloth then moist the other end of the lens pen and get around the very outside of the lense.
I use a lens pen and or eyeglass lense wipes from walmart.