CO Pronghorn Landowner Voucher Questions???


Jun 3, 2007
I've got a couple of extra landowner vouchers for pronghorn this year for bucks in GMU 120. I've had a guy hit me up to buy them but I told him I didn't have a clue what they are worth and to give me some time to research them. So my question is what would you guys think is reasonable price to charge for these tags, or what have you paid for similar tags?

The land I have in that unit was enough to get me three tags but I only drew the two bucks. However it isn't the best pronghorn country about half of it is sorghum hay fields and 5-6' tall hay doesn't attract too many pronghorn. Plus the small town I grew up near is on the corner of one section and my families’ house is on the other. So out of the roughly 2200 acres I have there is around 1400 that can be hunted on.

However there is an additional 10,000+ acres of land accessible through Colorado's Big Game Access Program. Plus I imagine that if he comes out and asks around he can find some more private land to hunt if he asks. I'm just not going to run around asking for this guy to find land to hunt.

There are good representative bucks out here, it is just a rarity to have one make the B&C minimum score. I talked to Allen Pennington Hunts about him marketing my vouchers. They wanted $500 per voucher and that seemed a little steep for the kind of hunt that is available where I have my vouchers.

I'm thinking they ought to be worth around $250-500 per voucher. Am I in the ball park? I don't want to overcharge as I know a Non-Resident has to pony up quite a bit of money just to pay for the tag.
Antelope_Sniper":1j23fbcw said:
Under 33-4-103, C.R.S it is illegal to have a third party market you Priority Land owner tags in Colorado.

Not really, it is illegal to knowingly sell the vouchers to someone who again sells them for profit. To have somone put me in touch with interested hunters for a fee is not the same thing. I have to pay him, he never receives a dime from the person/persons purchasing the voucher. It is a grey area for sure but not an illegal one. Guide services do it all the time with landowner vouchers, I made sure before I contacted them that I wasn't going to be breaking any laws and loose my privlidge of being in the landowner draw.
DOW website is very specific, and states you can not use a third party to market them. I agree that it might technically be a gray area, and the website might be overstating the statute (I'm sure that would be a first :eek: ) but I sure wouldn't want to be the test case.....
Well you can check out the web site here.

This site has been in operation for many years and he only states :
We will be facilitating the sale of Landowner Tags and Vouchers.

All I know is that this buisness has been in operation for several years by the previous owner and the current one. The fees were too high for my tastes anyway. So like I said I'm trying to set a reasonable and fair price.
C.R.S. 33-4-103 doesn't say a whole lot:

33-4-103. Landowner preference for hunting license. (1) Any landowner in
Colorado is entitled to landowner preference for licenses permitting the hunting of
deer, elk, or antelope PRONGHORN when the following qualifications are met:
(3) (c) (I) A landowner that applies to participate in the wildlife conservation
application program shall have issued to that landowner applications for licenses
permitting the hunting of deer, elk, antelope PRONGHORN, and such other species,
except for moose, rocky mountain big horn sheep, desert big horn sheep, and rocky
mountain goat, as determined by the commission to meet animal management
objectives for the game management unit in which the property lies, as long as such
species inhabited the land for which a license is requested during the greater portion
of the year previous to the application. These applications shall be issued under the
restrictions set forth in this subsection (3) and as a first priority for licenses over the
preferences issued under subsections (1) and (2) of this section. Fifteen percent of
the total number of licenses established for the game management unit where firearm
hunting licenses are totally limited for the species for which the license is requested
shall be made available to landowners who meet the qualifications of this section.

Nor does this:

Now it does state here that third party brokering isn't allowed:
Here's the link: ... Landowner/

Here the quote:

Landowner vouchers may be transferred one time only, and shall only be transferred by the landowner to the hunter that will use the voucher to purchase the license. Third-party brokering of landowner vouchers is not permitted. Violation of this subsection shall invalidate the applicable landowner voucher and license purchased with it.

Considering that I've never shot an antelope in CO and not been check by the gamewarden, I wouldn't risk it. But that just me.

Of course it's all mute, because your not going to use their (IMO) overpriced service anyway.

To your original question: What's fair. I've had pretty good luck shooting antelope off of Alfalpha, but never tried sorghum.

As for price?
I think you are in the ball park
$200.00 to $250.00 for a buck voucher for someone "hitting you up"
Of course for friends and family the price is a little different :wink:
Antelope_Sniper":2gyz7c9d said:
Of course it's all mute, because your not going to use their (IMO) overpriced service anyway.

To your original question: What's fair. I've had pretty good luck shooting antelope off of Alfalpha, but never tried sorghum.

As for price?
I think you are in the ball park
$200.00 to $250.00 for a buck voucher for someone "hitting you up"
Of course for friends and family the price is a little different :wink:

Yep, exactly how I felt about it when he said $500 per hunter I sold a voucher to that he put me in contact with.

Sorgum is a tall grass and usually pronghorn will not go into it as most of the time it is taller than they are and they can't see out of it.

Family and friends of it get the tags for asking, however they aren't asking this year. I don't know this guy who is asking at all, he was just put in contact with me.