Connected on a doe tonight...


May 18, 2011
I managed to scoot out of work right on time tonight (I'm one who is usually not out at the stroke of quitting time), and it was snowing. Just dusting, but the cold temps over the last few days had the snow accumulating fast.

I made my way home, quickly changed around into my hunting clothes and headed out to try a quick "last 30 minutes" hunt. I wanted to watch a hillside where I suspected I might see movement with weather coming in. I was going to basically park at the house on the access road and sit right behind it, watching a powerline break. The landowner lives in NY state, and told me to hunt there if I wanted. He actually told me to hunt in the back living room with the window open, but I wasn't really capable of doing that. :)

There's another house on the property. He had rented it out, and it's about 400 yards from the one where I wanted to hunt, with a thickly brushed in south-facing slope between them. The tenants moved out recently, so this one is vacant, too, for the time being I decided to park at the first house and slowly make my way to the 2nd, picking apart the snowy hillside with my eyes and binos.

About 3/4 of the way there, I saw a shape I knew wasn't a log. I threw the binos up, and sure enough, there was a decent doe laying looking back at me.

I had to move around a bit to find an opening, and it was still only a hole the size of a cereal bowl to shoot through, but it was enough. The shot was about 65-75 yards, offhand.

I got a good hold and let 'er rip. The deer staggered up out of her bed and headed up hill for a few steps and then banked hard right and crossed the slope looking wobbly. I cranked a fresh round in and waited for an opportunity. Right as I let the 2nd shot fly, she dropped....literally right out of the path of the bullet, I think.

On examination, the bullet went in JUST behind the shoulder (was trying to hit the shoulder), and the deer was quartered toward me more than I thought, with it exiting toward the liver region. Probably one lung and liver hit.

Snapped a couple quick picks, then gutted and started the drag out (about 100-125 yards, as I had to take her). Wasn't too bad.

The deer is with a buddy of mine, who knows some folks in his church who are having some financially tough times and can use some help. The deer is going to them tomorrow.

I took two pics, about 5 seconds apart. Funny how dark it looks out with the flash turned on. I didn't was snowing fairly hard, and I knew the road crews weren't going to touch the roads till morning. I got the deer dressed, out to the road, picked it up, and then to my buddy's place to drop it off.




Congratulations, Tom. She'll make fine table fare. There you go, Invite a deer to dinner.
Awesome job Tom!
Congratulations on the 1895 Guide gun. The 45-70 is a hammer.

Congratulations. Some folks are going to eat good, thanks to your marksmanship and generosity.


Congrats on the doe. Bout time you bring out a lever. Now just loose the scope and run a peep baby :grin:

great job!
I originally wanted to put a peep on it, but I like the scoped setup quite a bit. :)

And yes, I kept a lid on the rifle for a little while. I gotta keep you all on your toes! ;)
I wonder what Scotty will think about this after all the chop busting he did. :mrgreen:
Add a DRC lever and you will be set to go. :wink:

Nice looking doe and nice, charitable gesture to the people who are going to get her, Tom.
Very awesome Tom! Way to go! That looks like a nice rifle as well...

Man, I 2nd Pat's comments. SON OF A GUN...
59.0gr of H322 and a Hornady 300gr hollowpoint.

Here's one of the groups it printed at 100 with that load....actually was the last one I shot before hunting with it....3rd shot could have been me. I should have used dots bigger than the 2" one I have there. It wasn't easy to get a good, repeatable sight picture at 5x with a 2" dot at 100.


Also, that's a VariX III on the gun, and I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE friction adjust scopes! Have I mentioned I dislike them?

At some point, I'll probably put a different optic on it, but the VariX III is doing fine for now.
Nothing wrong with that target, Tom. It is assuredly Minute of Deer, as you have proved.
I haven't measured it, but considering that's a 2" dot, I'd guess the center-to-center on it is probably around 1.2" or so.
tddeangelo":1ps4zqec said:
59.0gr of H322 and a Hornady 300gr hollowpoint.

Here's one of the groups it printed at 100 with that load....actually was the last one I shot before hunting with it....3rd shot could have been me. I should have used dots bigger than the 2" one I have there. It wasn't easy to get a good, repeatable sight picture at 5x with a 2" dot at 100.


Also, that's a VariX III on the gun, and I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE friction adjust scopes! Have I mentioned I dislike them?

At some point, I'll probably put a different optic on it, but the VariX III is doing fine for now.

That looks like JDs load right there. Scary how accurate the Marlins are. Great shooting Tom. Any sign of the bullet?
In the deer? No, she didn't really slow it down much, I don't think.

If you mean at the range, I really didn't have time to look for any like I usually do. The range was busy, and I would have been holding everyone up if I stayed downrange digging for bullets in the bank. Sometimes I have the time to do that, and I do occasionally find one, but just didn't have time to look.

On the deer, it made a nice caliber-sized hole in, probably quarter-sized to half-dollar sized exit. I don't know how, but she didn't leave a blood trail. NONE. I found one drop of blood about the size of a dime where I shot her. I knew where she tipped over, so losing the deer wasn't a concern, but in the snow, I followed her tracks from her bed to where she crashed. I didn't see a single drop. One thing that occurred to me, I didn't look UP on the brush...might have been some there, but on the ground, not a drop.

That's mostly from the shot placement....dang I wish I'd seen she was quartered like that. There was blood coming out her nose till I got to her, so it would have started soon if she'd gone any further.
Surprising, usually it'll spray blood. Also, that supposedly a softer bullet, I would have thought a little different, but I imagine if she'd gone any further she would have started pouring.
All this 45-70 love on here is making me itch to pick one up, and I havn't even shot my MRC yet...
ajvigs":2aih3zyz said:
All this 45-70 love on here is making me itch to pick one up, and I havn't even shot my MRC yet...

There is a name for that, though not necessarily a cure. Look up RADD on the search function. :mrgreen: Yeah, Scotty and Fotis are among the worst of the enablers, though JD338 has been known to work diligently to enable the poor, weak and hapless soul that has managed to make it thought life to this point without a 45-70.