Cooking During the Quarantine


Nov 8, 2006
Reading these fine posts of the past couple of weeks has stimulated me to give some thought to spending more time cooking. I am actually rather busy with presenting church services via Facebook Live, editing television broadcasts, preparing radio broadcasts and revamping video equipment. Still, one has to eat. Well, at least, one should enjoy when they do have to eat.

I've attempted to keep Mama happy by preparing some of our meals. Tuesday evening was Doctor Mikes buttermilk hotcakes. Topped with maple syrup, and it was a hit. Sorry, no pictures, but it was delicious.

Wednesday evening was Turkey soup, using a turkey carcass left over from Christmas. There was plenty of meat on the carcass to ensure that a rich soup could be generated. Not much to see here, but it was an excellent soup. Had some sliced Roma tomatoes to accompany the soup, which made a colourful and flavourful addition. Mama made honey flavoured corn muffins, which were simple delectable.

Thursday evening was coconut encrusted torpedo shrimp with grilled asparagus and roasted taters. Oh, yeah, that was a hit.



The asparagus was coated with sesame oil, coarse salt and Parmesan cheese.

Tonight, it was bacon-wrapped elk rib eye on the Traeger, accompanied by roasted veggies and armadillo eggs (bacon-wrapped jalapeno stuffed with three cheese mix). There was enough left over that we won't have to cook tomorrow evening. I made fresh Pico de Gallo, but there was no room to include it in the meal this evening. Guess I'll have to have some on crackers for a snack later this evening. Again, so focused on eating that I failed to take pictures. I'll try to remember the next time.

I hope and pray that each of you sharing on the forum enjoy a blessed Easter.
Gee DrMike you should be one of those TV Chefs.
But you know the saying here No pictures it didn't happen Lol Lol Lol :)o)
Yeah I'm not letting my Daughters house arrest get to me yet or is it?
Those are some mighty fine meals Dr. Mile!
I made a rack of baby back ribs over the weekend.
Used a dry rub and cooked them in the oven at 210° f for 6 hours. They turned out perfect and fell right off the bone.



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Oh, yeah, Jim. That's just bit of alright! Excellent table fare.

I smoked a prime rib roast on the Traeger this evening, accompanied by roasted broccoli and little potatoes. Delectable meal.