Cost of hunting beyond what most can pay?


I will never take offense at anyone who pints out my wrongs.

You're right about most immigrants, they are hard-working and seek to improve their lives, things I admire.

What alarms me is that while a few spew hatred, it is the silence of the others that is deafening. As in the OJ case where a few rejoiced in a murderer walking free, it was the refusal of the overwhelming majority of blacks to condemn the racist verdict that alarmed me. Sure, there were a tiny few blacks who were outraged, but the overwhelming majority supported OJ's getting away with murder. The parallel in the immigrant debate is that I have yet to hear a single Mexican denounce Gutierrez. Moreover, I have yet to hear a single Mexican disavow "reconquista" and Aztlan. Thus, even the most hard-working immigrant from south of the border might just harbor an agenda that is antithetical to the founding of this country.

Finally, there is a great article in this issue of "National Review" that exposes many myths of the illegal immigrant debate. The fact is illegal immigration is destroying labor in this country, and they do not want jobs Americans do not want to do...they want high paying jobs and will demand they have a right ot them. This is causing a rift in relations between Hispanics and blacks in many urban centers because blacks believe that after they were fianlly able to attain well-paying jobs, Hispanics undercut them and destroyed their livelihoods. Please see the pasted article for more. The bottom line is that our culture will change and we have to be prepared to accept it.


A discussion at L.A.'s Leimert Park about illegal migrants and their impact
on blacks escalates into a shouting match over jobs, housing and schools.
By Teresa Watanabe, Times Staff Writer
April 24, 2006

Reflecting intense passions over illegal immigration, a Los Angeles outdoor
forum about its impact on blacks quickly became a screaming match Sunday
between those urging a crackdown on undocumented migrants and others
counseling tolerance.

The gathering at Leimert Park in South Los Angeles, which eventually
involved about 100 people, was aimed at publicizing what some blacks believe
has been illegal immigration's negative effect on their neighborhoods,
housing, schools and jobs, said Ted Hayes, founder of the Crispus Attucks
Brigade, an African American group newly organized to fight the influx of
undocumented migrants.

"Illegal immigration is the greatest threat to African Americans since
slavery," Hayes said, before stepping onto a park bench and leading about 30
people in chants: "We're fired up! We can't take it no more!"

But no sooner had Hayes begun to speak when a handful of other blacks
approached him with their own loudspeaker, yelling a counter message of
unity in Spanish and English.

"The people united will never be divided!" yelled Julia Wallace, an African
American member of the Progressive Alliance, as a handful of her supporters
waved signs urging worker unity. (organization probably funded by
Rockefeller foundation or Archer Daniels Midland or Home Depot to create
disinformation and misinformation as to how the black middle class is being
crucified by illegal immigration)

Hayes' supporters were later challenged by a few Latinos who wandered into
the park and ended up in face-to-face debates over jobs, lawbreaking, the
Mexican economy and a host of other hot-button issues.

When Terrance Lang, a 41-year-old African American, complained that Latino
immigrants were taking jobs from blacks, Jose Haro, a 21-year-old Mexican
American, retorted that maybe blacks weren't looking hard enough for them.

"It's so easy to find a job anywhere!" Haro said. "I find one in one day:
moving companies, offices, anything. These people are lazy," he said,
referring to blacks. (can it get any better than this---I have got to find
the video on the internet---wonder what the illegal thinks about getting 12
years of education for free---)

As the decibel levels rose and the two groups pressed closer to each other,
police separated them with yellow tape.

The raucous debate, coming as Congress returns this week from recess to
resume work on immigration reform and President Bush plans a speech on the
issue today in Irvine, underscored the growing tensions in some black
neighborhoods over the influx of immigrants. Some African Americans allege
they are being shut out of jobs and housing by Latino supervisors and
landlords; others say their children are shortchanged in schools that once
were predominantly black but now cater to Spanish speakers. Violence between
blacks and Latinos in schools and jails has increased.

Several studies have shown that the large influx of immigrants in the last
20 years has significantly expanded the nation's labor pool, allowing
employers to depress the wages of the least-skilled and least-educated
workers. (duh, wake up America)

At the forum Sunday, many blacks said they bore no ill will toward
immigrants in general but were alarmed by their seeming impact on their

When Sean Jourdan, a 33-year-old African American born in Los Angeles, began
work as a satellite TV installer in 1995, he said, most of his colleagues
were black and all made more than $1,200 a week. That was enough, he said,
to comfortably support a family.

Today, he said, only two of 75 workers at his firm are black - the rest are
Latino - and wages have plunged. Desperate for supplemental income, Jourdan
said, he recently bought a hot dog cart. (I am surprised the LA TIMEs has
printed factual statements)

"I don't hate Hispanics," he said, "but I shouldn't have to compete like
this when my people fought and died for this country. This is my birthright:
to work, not to beg, for a living wage. They tell you to go to school and
follow the laws of the land and you'll rise up. I've done that, but I'm
being undermined."

As he listened to Jourdan's laments, Juan Santos, a self-described Chicano
activist and writer, said he was sympathetic. But he said the problem was
not Latinos, it was the nation's "capitalist class" that had shipped good
jobs overseas, imported cheap labor and was now trying to pit workers
against each other.

"It's the system that's at fault, not Mexicans," Santos said. (look how the
rabble rousers always turn it back on the white male---it's a joke)

Hayes said his new group plans to organize a protest march through downtown
Los Angeles to City Hall on May 21, invite gang members to join border
patrols to stop illegal immigration and visit African American elected
officials to demand to know how they plan to address the issue.

He added that he has written to Pope Benedict XVI, asking him to "rein in"
Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Los Angeles, who
has actively advocated for legalizing illegal immigrants and other reform

Hayes is also an advocate for the homeless and helped to found Dome Village,
a downtown experiment in alternative housing.

The forum drew an eclectic crowd that included African American members of
the Minuteman Project, which sends private citizens on border patrols to
stop illegal immigration; a Latino carrying a sign saying that America was
actually Mexican territory; and one man wearing a Malcolm X cap and a
"Bush-Cheney" political button.

When Hayes and others praised the Minutemen as patriotic Americans, other
blacks screamed back that they were similar to the vigilantes who hunted
down escaped slaves.

"Shame on you!" yelled Betty Jones, a Los Angeles resident.

But as the debates raged on, at least one person seemed pleased. Surveying
the crowd, Santos, the Chicano activist, smiled and said:

"This debate is beautiful. These people are honestly trying to sort through
all of these conflicts and contradictions."
good article. Capitalism is based on supply and demand. If someone is qualified for the job they should be able to apply for it. To not let them is called racisim. If there are more cable workers than needed price will go down. This is normal. Somewhere or some how these new people had to pay for training. When goverments start giving money here or there it messes things up. Helicopter pilots 13yrs ago were a dime a dozen making under 25,000. Most people found other jobs. Today there are not enough helicopter pilots and wages are certainly up and employers are trying many things to get pilots. The waves of capitalism at work again.

As far as one group complaining about the other group taking jobs. Here again I wonder if these groups are the gimmie gimie groups of democrats wanting hand outs or heaven forbid compete for a job.

You talk about the silence of blacks during the OJ case. Or the silence of imigrants against Gutierez or even US citizens being quiet over,,, well any issue that hurts the constitution. This is the number one problem in all groups of people. Good people doing nothing.
As far as natives on the decline I think you may be wrong. Indians native americans populations are happily on the rise and more and more are leaving the reservations.

Some things to ponder. Did you know that a Marine Col. that was in charge of the Southern border stated that he could totaly close the southern border if he was given the same amount of money that was spent in Bosinia in one month. He was given a gag order demoted and sent somewhere else (a quiet place) He had the cost of everything all listed out nice and orderly. This was not an off the cuff comment he had done his homework.

As far as the original topic. I am selling most of my 94s and 92s for an African hunt and I am not thinking twice about it. I got to hunt fish everything in Montana for well under 300$ oh how I miss that. Wisconsin is not well known for its wide open public hunting land or excessive hunting days.
Well- things are changing and I cant say that I like it. My Dad hasnt done any serious hunting for 10 years. This is in part because he refuses to pay for the priviledge of hunting on some ones land. This is not to say that he didnt "pay for the priviledge" after the fact. We were taught to respect where we were like it was our own land and to treat the land owners and people we met like they were family. There was always a Ham in the truck for the land owner and there was an occasional "donation" made to the local fire department in the land opwners name etc. But he firmly believed that the game belonged to all the people. The land may be yours and it will get treated that way but the priviledge of hunting game did not belong "to the king" or the state. Thats where all of us european imigrants came from and there is a reason that things were set up that way.

I want to see the rural economy exist and continue. I am in self imposed exile in the big sh%ty. Its worth somthing to me to be able to hunt in Gods country back in S.D. but I cant afford the prices the state thinks they need for the liscenses+gas+lodging+etc.

I hate the fact that some folks expect the state to limit game populations to limit depredation and they have no problem with spending my liscence fees to do so. We would all rather have a liscense but for a variety of reasons cant get or afford one. IMHO what has changed and wil continue to change is the hunter and land owner are seen as an adversarial or consumer based relationship. This is wrong. After all, what we all want is great memories from our hunting experiences. I have a head on the wall but it is nothing compared to the memories and friendships. I like a pretty rifle more than most but if the scratches in a $150.00 rifle come with good memories and she still shoots straight then I have a priceless heirloom.
I think its really important that we keep trying to make and find those hunting opportunities and the memories that should go with them. Whether or not you pay for it or there is a fence around it is an ethical question you have to decide for yourself. As for me I will save my pennies and try and cultivate friendships that include people who love the hunting and memories as much as I do, and maybe bring my nephew along squirrel hunting. CL