Coyote Bait time!

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
IMG_20161213_161157480.jpgAfter some very cold weather last week we have about 8" of ice here now so time to get the bait out and see if we can get some songdog interested!
Good to see the post, Earl. Eight inches is plenty to make the trek onto the ice. Here's pulling for some yodel dog action for you!
Yeah glade to see you back. You must hibernate in the warm months and come out when it gets cold. :roll: :lol: :mrgreen:
Do you still guide for Moose and Bear in the great white north state of Maine?
Ha ha ha, well that is sorta true, had a very busy summer with fishermen and was flat out guiding grouse and woodcock hunters this fall. November saw us with sportsman the first two weeks, then family hunted the traditional third week and then off to Kansas................... poorest fall of deer hunting for us in Maine ever! Temps in the 60s some days , no snow , lots of moonlight nites. Impossible conditions to get the bucks out in the day time....................
Hopefully next Nov will get back to normal and send us some snow to track these big Whitetails we have here!
Yes we are still taking Moose and Bear hunters .......
If you have a web page could you send me a link I might be interested in doing some hunt up your way in the next year.
35 Whelan. Do you make meatcicles for your bait?
We have in the past I take it a step further and bring a couple gallons of warm water and scrape off the ice and freeze the meatcicle to it so they can't grab the bait and run.

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I just stick road kill deer out there 300 yds from house, we usually just tie the neck to a pole froze into the ice, used to use ALOT of Beaver carcass and just chopped a hole down and then froze them in TAil first. Both work well.Almost all my shots are head on,as they always face the house. And we are shooting 90% of them at night!
Good luck Earle. Looking forward to seeing some pictures of some coyotes.

Well we will see, actually after whacking 13 of them here last winter, there seams to be a noticeable reduction of tracks in the area, so I am NOT expecting a big year this winter, besides myself there was another dozen or so shot in and around town so we must have em on the ropes at the moment!!!!
Hopefully that will lead to more sightings like this!