Coyote w/ 22-250 55 gr BT


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Shot my first Coyote with a 55 gr BT in my M700 VLS 22-250.
I was up on my bluff and called in a pair of coyotes. They split up and this male came in under me at the usual coyote lope. I kissed at him to stop at 30 yds and sent the 55 gr BT on its way. He dropped at the shot. The bullet went in behind the right shoulder and exited the ribs on the left side. The exit wound is about the size of a nickel.


I had heard that those 55gr. BT's would kill a coyote if you pulled the trigger hard enough, guess it's a fact! :lol:
Thanks fellas. I don't know if you can see, but there is a flock of Turkeys in the center right of this picture. They are standing on the two track as it goes into the brush. I think they were happy to see this one go. :twisted:
The Coyote is laying just out of the shadows in the center of the picture.

Way to go Jim! First one with the 55g NBT? You were using 50's weren't you? Seems like you get them to come in close whenever you call them, lucky you! I'll be danged if I ever get mine to come running in, and if they do, they never stop, LOL.
remingtonman_25_06":9knrs7cg said:
Way to go Jim! First one with the 55g NBT? You were using 50's weren't you? Seems like you get them to come in close whenever you call them, lucky you! I'll be danged if I ever get mine to come running in, and if they do, they never stop, LOL.


You are correct, I've used the 50 gr BT on many coyotes. I lost my third one this past year. Same spot as above, they come in and stop at 125 yds out. I hit the point of the shoulder and loose them. I tried the 60 gr BT but it won't stabilize in the 1:14 twist. I did however find a sweet load with the older style 60 gr PT. sub .5" at 100 yds. I shot a coyote (same spot) with an inverted Texas Heart Shot and got complete penetration! ... 13&start=0
I bought a couple bags of the 60 gr PT seconds but can't get them to shoot so I'm going with the 55 gr BT.

Antelope_Sniper":fcyrrfhl said:
To bring him with in 30 yards, that takes some talent. 8)

Beginners luck. :wink:
Its the set up, works well.

The 55g NBT should work out great for you. Wouldn't think 5g makes that big of a difference, but when you hit the shoulder, it sure can. I used the 55g NBT's out of my swift at 3925fps and it was awesome. I never lost 1 coyote with them and shot quite a few in the shoulder, behind the shoulder, in the ass (when they were going mach 10), it didn't matter, they all dropped DRT or went no further then about 20 yards, with a nice exit hole. I"m using 55g NBT in my triple deuce right now at 3100fps and have only shot 1 coyote with them, shot him in the shoulder about 100-125 yards and it blew right through him leaving about a 2" hole. Great coyote bullets even when shoulder is hit in my experience.

Congrats on another Yote..!! I'll have to say though, I'm with Remmy, why are you letting them come in so close :grin:
The 55 Grainers are what I'm launching out of my 22-250 as well with awesome results.

On a whole other note, I did see 3195 fps on average out of the .223VTR this weekend with the 60gr B-tip.
Powerstroke":2y3ppr4f said:

Congrats on another Yote..!! I'll have to say though, I'm with Remmy, why are you letting them come in so close :grin:
The 55 Grainers are what I'm launching out of my 22-250 as well with awesome results.

On a whole other note, I did see 3195 fps on average out of the .223VTR this weekend with the 60gr B-tip.

I guess its the bow hunter in me. :lol:

:grin: well then.... ?? I've tried stickin em.....I'd consider that one of my major trophies and would probably mount one if I was ever able to pull that one off around here!