
Rem 700

Jan 26, 2009
I am loading Nosler Competition .45 JHP. Do I need to crimp when seating the bullet, or is this a a non-crimping situation?
Like Rick said, you need a tapered crimp.

Thanks...I am looking at my RCBS die set. It is an old discontinued model (#18906). I am having a hard time understanding whether the seating die is also a taper crimper. Anybody familiar with this set?
I would think it would also be a tapered crimp. Contact RCBS and they should be able to tell you. Seat and crimp in seperate operations. some loaders do it in one step but the case is being crimpted as the bullet is being seated not the best for uniformity. Remove your seating stem or back it out so it does not touch the bullet and try the die. By screwing the die farther down and looking at the loaded case after you run it into the die.Rick.