Custom FL die?


Sep 21, 2012
Only issue that I don't care for in my shortened 350 Rem Mag dies for the 350JR is that the full length die, shortened from the bottom also takes off the widest section of the brass section.

I am only FL sizing after the form and trim and then neck sizing with a neck die but the iintial FL die takes the brass diameter above the belt down to .505. Dimensions are .512 or a tad more fired.

Any experience with custiom FL die makers here with a suggestion for one.

Dont need benchrest quality, just good solid hunting die made to my round's specs.

Thanks in advance for the help on the die. No rush. This is working but FL sizing is a BEAR first time through even with Imperial. Takes about 3 short starts and removal to get all the way.

Blowing brass with forming loads from .505 case diameter to .512 isnt horrible doing it once, just would prefer to not do that if not cost preventative.

God Bless
Just about all of the die companies will make you dies if you send them a few fired cases. Call them and ask about price and time. It won't be cheap and the time will probably be long. A buddy of mine just called CH4D about a die for his .500 Weatherby and they said 6-9 months.
IdahoCTD has given you the straight skinny. Almost any company can do what you are asking, and almost all of them will take some time.
WOW......I figured some time but half a year or more?
I think I'll suffer LOL.

Thanks, guys
God Bless