Custom Hearing Protection for Hunting???

Mike Fontaine

Feb 28, 2006
Hi All!
I’m looking for custom hearing protection (plugs) that I can use for both hunting and shooting where normal speech is not blocked. Does anyone out there have any experience with custom hearing protection for both hunting and shooting?
What did you say? :lol:

Try an ENT, some will mold plugs for your ears.

Not one real good answer here.

Range: I have used the Peltor Muffs with the decibel limiting circuit. O.k. at the range but not for hunting. I prefer foam ear plugs and muffs over them for range work, ESPECIALLY when shooting my braked 300 Wby!!!

Hunting: I use foam ear plugs if I am going to be hunting with the 300 Wby. I use nothing with my 280 or 7 Wby. I enjoy the sounds of the open air too much to wear plugs.

I guess the best compromise would be the Walker Game Ear. Yes, I've spent thousands on firearms and related accessories over the years but I have never been able to turn loose of the cash for a pair of these.