So my wife bought me a new R-15 in .223 for an early christmas present, God bless her anyway! I put a Sightron SI 3x9x40 Mill dot on it. Been shooting 27gr. and 27.5 gr. of H335 and 40gr BT fairly well, an inch or so. In the las three days I have missed three dogs under 250 yards :x . I know with out a doubt that if I had been packing my 22-250 they all would have died. Getting used to new gun is frustrating the he!! out of me. Seems all I'm doing is making smarter yotes!
Looks like I'm going to be haveing some good range time coming up. Maybe trying some 50 gr. BT's.
:evil: I'll keep ya posted.
Looks like I'm going to be haveing some good range time coming up. Maybe trying some 50 gr. BT's.
:evil: I'll keep ya posted.