DATA using 4064


Sep 10, 2006
spoke with the guy at the local reloading shop this afternoon. They have a good reputation and the guys have been doing this a long time....So...I asked for a powder recomendation for my 250-3000 Savage and his immediate response was, "I would try 4064 before anything else" so I came home and looked for some Data and find next to nothing. Why would he recomend 4064??? I am looking for a load for some 100 grain BT's. 38 Grns of 4350 is my current load but accuracy is inconsistant. Any thoughts???
Great lead Ol' Joe!


Sometimes the bullet mfgs do not test every powder due to time, money, limited resources, etc. so there is always the change that someone might have a pet load but it just isn't listed.
The new Nosler RG #6 should be available very soon and has many new powders added for all the calibers. I do not know if IMR 4064 has been included. I would say give 4064 a try, it just might be the magic powder for your rifle. H4895 and RL15 would be other powders to try too.
As always, start low and work up.
Let us know how the load development goes for you.

IMR 4064 is listed in the Sierra manual of being capable of moving a 100 gr bullet to 3000 fps.

Hodgdon's on-line data lists 4064 for the 100 and 87 gr bullets from the .250-3000 Savage.

I know the powder only from use with the .308 Winchester, where it excells in target loads.

Regards, Guy