Dec will be me and "Ol Smelly" out there.


Sep 21, 2012
Last week of standard firearm season. The weekend had me crowded with hunters enough I just went home a couple days.

Working 5 of the next 7 nights so wed and thur will be my last chance with the 350JR till "bonus anterless season" after Xmas for some doe meat. First year for that. I dont expect much "competition" then. Most everyone else is hunting antlers.

Same goes for our black powder season, Dec 8-23. Some die hard horn hunters will be still at it as well as a few bowhunters but annually the Dec season is mostly us "meat hunters".

While it would have been my preference so fill all the tags with the 350JR, since new to me, "Old Smelly" and I will be out amongst them in the creekbottom.

150 bucks delivered in 1983 it has been my "go to" firearm for all these years before the 350JR came to be.

My oldest, a couple friends, and my late ex wife all took deer with this ol beast. I've lost track of ones I've taken. Dozens, at least.

"Too heavy" for most, the 54 cal, Thompson Center 540 grain (discontinued) Maxi Hunter from this rifle is a brush cutting, tree splintering DEER HAMMER.

Second up is the Barnes 325 Grain Expander MZ when a longer shot is expected but I've grown fond of those 1.25 oz hunks of lead for general use and why I bought several boxes years ago when TC discontinued them.

Regardless of the angle of the shot......penetration is there......and more.

I've never shot it thru a chrono. I've never felt the desire and still dont even though I have one.
While the 350JR will win any catagory considered comparing the two rifles and loads, this will be the 29th year this rifle has blessed my hunts.

I gotta say, cheap or not, this rifle has been a HUGE part of my hunting life here in Indiana.

I thought a few smoke pole hunters might understand and forgive my totally pointless post.

There walks nothing on this continent I would hesitate to drop the hammer on with this ol cannon........and expect it to drop rapidly.

There is something to be said for "confidence" when out hunting.
This rifle has spades.

God Bless


Nothing like the smell of 777 in the morning. :)

I started out with a TC White Mt. Carbine. Upgraded to a M700ML and now a TC Omega.
Shot this buck 2 yrs ago. Last year my daughter used it to take her first deer.


With the ol smokepole, Im still firing Goex FFg behind those maxi hunters.
Think I have like 5lbs or the stuff so it will outlast me! lol

Thanks Guys
God Bless
Fascinating stuff, Steve. It does look as if it would be great fun; and you do have to be a hunter!