Deforming bullet tips


Apr 5, 2014
I was loading some 44 Mag ammo for my Thompson Contender using 300 grain Nosler JHP and IMR 4227.
When I seated the bullet with the Lee seating die, it deformed the bullet causing the hollow point to close.
I switched over to H110 and the deformation wasn't nearly as bad.

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Hm, I don't quite follow what's going on. Was it compressed with the 4227, and switching to H110 helped?

I load 300 grain Hornady XTP over 20.0 grains of H110. Shoot mine out of a Ruger Super Redhawk 7.5"

I like shooting the big heavy bullets, maybe I should give the Noslers a try too. :mrgreen:
I'm thinking it was too much compression. H110 seemed to be a better fit.
I made it to the shooting bench this evening and results were not good.
Back to the drawing board.

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Is the seater stem designed for round nose flat nosed bullet? I squashed a hollow point like that once when I forgot to change the stem on my RCBS die.