Do you pack a handgun


Nov 28, 2005
Packing for a family hunting trip tomarrow, me, my wife, 6 and 9 year old boys, and my mom and dad. Only about 40 miles from the house both species of buck deer, brow tine bull elk, and black bear are fair game. Also Mountain grouse and the boys really go after snowshoe rabbits. Great fun doubt if we will get much but you never know. Wolves have really raise hell in this area.

My question is one of curiosity, I always pack a hand gun when big game hunting. This is fairly typical as many of the locals pack a handgun on their belt shoulder hosters or in their backpacks. Is this typical in most locations? I know those of you hunting in Canada don't have the option but what about the rest of you.

Tomarrow I am going to pack a SW 686 .357 mag with a 4" barrel in a shoulder holster. I will load it with .357s but carry a handfull of low power .38s in my pocket. Other times I may opt for my little Walther PPK in .22 long rifle or if my wife is in a good mood her Taurus Millilium in .40 SW.

I started packing a handgun for grouse and/or snowshoe rabbits (legal to shoot with a handgun in Montana). Also comes in very handy for Coup De Gras work. If there is any doubt especially on elk I pop them in the back of the head just below the base of the skull. Doesn't ruin the skull and I have never had one exit. Then there are the safty issues, falling and being separated from your rifle and not being able to move you can still signal for help. Bear or cat attacks where you can't access your rifle, Montana has seen at least a couple of attacks every year and the trend is increasing. A couple of years ago the griz really pounded the bow hunters around Yellowstone.
I use to but not anymore. Not when I am carrying a rifle. Now when hanging around camp or hiking? Yes.
If the law ever changes in Canada, I will (just to irritate a liberal).
I carry mine anytime I am allowed to by law. It is good practice. Kinda like always having a watch on! Scotty
I have a CCW so yes, I carry all the time.

I have taken a handgun hunting should the opportunity arrise but not anymore. I just cary a rifle and my Kimber.

When I was a youg guy it seemed that everyone carried a pistol to quote "put the finisher" on downed big game. I always thought that my rifle would work for that better so I never did. Back a few years ago my first shot knocked down a 6 point bull very near the end of the day in an Idaho snowstorm. As I approached him carefully I just didn't feel right about the way he was laying, (back up instead of on his side) the slope was very steep so I approaced him from uphill and behind. I was particulary cautious on my approach. When I got close to him he stood up turned his head around, looked at me an started downhill. The 180 Nosler from about 10 yards changed his mind and he layed down the proper way. I carry a postol whenpacking out game, hiking, camping, sometimes in other unamed situations but not when big game hunting. My .02
The 180 Nosler from about 10 yards changed his mind and he layed down the proper way.

Those Partitions from that distance can be very persuasive. :lol:
Great point Elkman my dad taught to always approach downed game from above and behind. An elk is a very powerful animal that can really put the hurt on a person under the right circumstances.

I think it was my first year that I could legally hunt my dad dropped a nice muley buck. I was close by and came to him at the shot. When he walked up to the "dead buck" it lunged forward and stuck a horn into his hand. My dad had failed to take his own advice (never happened often)Talk about an effective demonstration that I will never forget.

For me I am much more likely to pop em with a handgun then I am with a rifle. Not only that, hard to see clearly at 10 feet through a scope.

Update on the family hunt- I am so proud of my wife. Spotted a whitetail along a logging road. Both my wife and I thought we saw a horn. My wife stuck with the deer as it moved through the timber until she could clearly see that it was a tiny little three point on one side and missing a horn on the other. Once she knew he was fair game her 7mm-08 and the 140 grain AB took him out. Right through the heart he made it about 50 feet and it was over. Now if I can keep those damn griz out of the garage until I get it cut up we will be eating real good. Not only my wife but my two boys are all on cloud nine.

Congratulations to your wife. That is what hunting is about.
I never used to carry, but with all the bear I see during bow season and now wolves all over I now carry my Glock anytime I am in the woods. It is no bother once it is strapped on and even though I may never have to use it there were several times I wished I'd had it before.

If it were legal I would for the same reason as DrMike and because rights that are exercised stay rights, while those that are not don't. I don't even think I would pack anything superimpressive, just my Ruger ss blackhawk 6.5" 357 or a Norinco 1911 commander. Lean heavily to the Ruger for hunting and farm carry.

I looks like the wolves have moved into my rifle hunting area so as I already mentioned, I carry my Kimber.

Down state where I live, I also carry because in these troubled times, you never know what you may come home to. I am actually more concerned about running into a pack of 2 legged predators.
I just recently hear of a bow hunter that was robbed at his vehicle when he came out of the woods.
All I will say is "Please don't hurt me, I will give you anything you want. Let me reach for my wallet....."

Always when in the far back country and or wolf country. I didn't this last time in Wyoming for the first time. We were hunting close with radios and no wolves or grizzlies. I'll probably carry again from now on. I made a mess out of my two animals' heads with the finish off shots. My S&W Mod 357 41 Mag is light and powerful.
Hey JD, One of the employees for the company I work for got chased by a pack of wild DETROIT. With all the abandoned houses down there parts of the city are going "back to nature". A guy in the house where the employee was going came out with his pistol, fired a few shots in the air, and chased the pack away. No police etc... ever showed up with reports of the gun shots.

Very seldom if I'm hunting with a rifle. While hiking I'll pack one along.
I carry a pistol every day just like putting on a pair of socks. It is nothing more than a tool in a tool box that I would surely hate to not have in my tool box when it was needed. When I am rifle hunting I don't carry a pistol just because of the added weight issue, but have been throwing my Springfield Armory sub-compact 40 S&W in my day pack quite a lot when I'm archery hunting any more. All decent law abiding folks should get CCW permits if their states allow it. It's not a bravado thing or anything even remotely like that, it's just common sense and wanting to be able to defend yourself or someone else should a situation ever present itself that left no other option.

Gunshots in Detroit, its an everyday occurance!

I was there today, Kim was with me.
