I've been sending fish pictures and a box of fillets to the boys working on the ranch getting things ready for this fall. Just trying to rub it in while they are busting their humps in 100 degree weather.
They win: first buck of the year down.
It wasn't that many years ago we didn't have white tails in Eastern Oregon. We've been taking some pretty good bucks the last few years. A couple of 170 and 150 class bucks last year.
Back at the ranch, things are looking pretty good. Birds everywhere. Actually haven't guided any hunts, the guys last week end cancelled.
We had wolves in the area a couple of days ago, saw four of them. For those familiar with Oregon we're 12 miles west of Pendleton, 5 miles south of interstate 84. Civilized country.
Went looking for wolf sign this afternoon. On the other side of the river , a 300 yard rifle shot from the house, I found the white tail doe. They hadn't eaten much of her.
Things just got more interesting.
The girls are getting back in shape, the guests this summer gave lots of treats.
They found a couple of chukar next to the fence post, made them hold their points for five minutes.
Saw nine bucks last night, phone died so I only got pictures of the first one. Two were very good, 150 class bucks.
No doubt it is a great thing to see the dogs working again. Sounds as if you have a good deer population. I saw a small herd of some largish mule deer yesterday evening. Unfortunately, I was on my way to a wedding rehearsal, so I didn't have a firearm with me. They were safe.
Went scouting for deer today, season opening on Saturday. Ran into this guy
And these two
And this one
And a couple of deer, maybe a shooter
The bulls were really screaming this afternoon.