Dremmel gunsmithing!!


Sep 30, 2004
I did what I promised I'd never do, took a dremmel tool to a firearm. I have seen countless guns damaged by the uneducated use of a dremel tool.

The AIC magazines and magpul variant allow for a longer max COL than will feed thru the rifle, They catch on the feed lip. The varying bullet nose lengths on the Berger bullets made for some that would feed and some that wouldn't, but I was getting excellent accuracy at this borderline COL. In order to make them feed reliably I needed to trim back the feed ramp.

Being that I have already had a couple of adult beverages and was unable to drive to the shop I decided I would give it a try with my dremmel.

I used a small carbide bit and made a small half moon to allow the bullet tips to slip past the feed ramp. A little trial and error and I have all my magazines running flawlessly. It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be.


So now my rifle is feeding flawlessly, shooting a load very accurately, and I have a thousand tiny metal splinters in both hands! Probably should have just had a couple more drinks and done this with the mill later this week.

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I always get a little nervous when I get the dremmel tool out but a dremmel tool does come in handy when working on different things and it looks like it did the trick for you.
You did a nice job to get it to feed for you.