Effectiveness of the 35 Remington.


Mar 6, 2017
Stumbled across this and besides what ended up being some really neat footage, it coincides with my somewhat brief experience with the 35 Rem. Out of 3 killed the farthest went 60 yds, the other 2, basically no where. Knocks the running gear and blood pressure out of them fast. Exits from any angle and doesn't tear the meat up or bloodshot the meat, and is an easy shooter. I've fast become a big fan of the cartridge. Underneath his channel info if you click show more it says he was using Rem 200 gr CL.

It's hard initially to see exactly where he hit the deer but at about the 9 minute mark when he's showing it and talking you can see the entrance wound.......looks back some and not super tight to the shoulder, but got enough of the goodies to do the job quickly.

Good info, thanks for posting it up. I have a newer Marlin 35 Remington, and I'm not sure why I don't use it hunting. Around here, in the thick woods, the vast majority of my shots are between 10 and 100 yards. The 35 would be about ideal for the whitetail and black bear around here. But for some reason I always grab a different rifle, usually its the most recent rifle I've been tweaking loads for.
Bought a Marlin 35 Rem a number of years ago, and it is planned for the wife as her saddle gun.
Should do just fine for black bear and deer at shorter distances (100 yards).
She hasn't shot it yet as she is still trying to get her first big game animal with her 7mm-08, and practices with it regularly for now...
Have also picked up some Speer Hot Cors in 180 gr to develop a load for this rifle for her.
Hunter and Blkram, I can't speak to how I'd like a 336 as I never owned one, but one thing about this video is that I'm assuming he was using factory loads and you can see the effectiveness comparing apples to apples that way. In my view that was a well hit deer but not perfect, could've been front farther on a behind the shoulder shot, and hit in the shoulder they are likely to go straight down but you still don't get tore up meat and bloodshot as a result........at least on the one I killed that way. Those big 35 caliber RN or FP's knock their motor skills out but at 35 Rem speeds don't tear stuff up.

My 760 has a 22" barrel and you can push them harder so I'm running a good bit more speed, but even with a 336 you could easily run above book pressures with handloads if you chose to do so. Those low pressure book loads are meant to stay within the boundaries of the old Model 14's, 141's, and model 8's still being used. But even at factory 1906 pressures, it obviously still does a dandy job.
I really screwed up. Several years ago Grandad had a Marlin with the waffle top receiver(before they were drilled and tapped for scope mounts) in a .35 Rem. I even killed deer with it. It had the 3/4 length magazine tube. I should have horse traded for it or bought it but I didn’t have the money. He sold it and I kick myself at least three times a year!!!
My grandfather hunted with a 35 Rem for many years. It was that or his 300 SAV in a 99 for the last 30 years he hunted. I had a Marlin 336 in a 35 Rem for a few years and then let it go. I wish I wouldn't have done that. I do have a Sav 99 in a 300Sav that I think I will carry for a few days next year.
The one bad thing which I think you could say about a lot of calibers today, is that 35 caliber bullets in general are hard to come by, and the RN and FN designs specifically tailored to the 35 Rem are even more non existent. I've got plenty for now but unless I missed it I don't think the Speer 180 FP for example has been available on Midway for more than 2 yrs now.

On the plus side the RN and FP profile and the speeds at which it runs at make it an ideal cast bullet cartridge. So there is that......commercially available bullets or not, a guy could continue to effectively hunt about anything he wanted to, and do it at the cheapest possible option if he chose to.

But as far as bullet availability, 30 caliber is still where it's at in my view. They were the first to start showing up when everything was unattainable, and there is a wide assortment of bullet weights and styles available most places right now in 30 caliber. If you don't mind paying todays prices for bullets it's hard to ignore a 30 caliber to keep shooting.
I killed my first buck with a Remington 760 in .35 Rem. I was young and like a fool thought I needed more fire power and traded it for a Remington 740 in 30/06. You don't know how many times I have wished to have it back. Many years later I picked up a Remington 141 in .35 Rem but it has yet to make it to the deer woods.
I killed my first buck with a Remington 760 in .35 Rem. I was young and like a fool thought I needed more fire power and traded it for a Remington 740 in 30/06. You don't know how many times I have wished to have it back. Many years later I picked up a Remington 141 in .35 Rem but it has yet to make it to the deer woods.

I didn't carry my 760 this yr but I also have a 141 that I did carry after I killed a buck with Dad's 348. I had 2 chances, but no opportunity. Both times sneak hunting..........both got up close under 30 yds, both didn't know exactly where or what I was and didn't blow out of there, but neither did they end up giving me any type of reasonable shot. Still fun carrying that handy little iron sighted rifle though and it didn't change the outcome.
The one bad thing which I think you could say about a lot of calibers today, is that 35 caliber bullets in general are hard to come by, and the RN and FN designs specifically tailored to the 35 Rem are even more non existent. I've got plenty for now but unless I missed it I don't think the Speer 180 FP for example has been available on Midway for more than 2 yrs now.

On the plus side the RN and FP profile and the speeds at which it runs at make it an ideal cast bullet cartridge.
Grafs had the Speer FN 180's a few months back. I was lucky enough to grab a few. Also just closed a fair deal on Gunbroker for 200 of the 250gr RN's. Personally I'm shooting the 350 Rem Mag but you're right, 35 cal. projectiles are fairly hard to come by still. I'm saving what 225 Partitions I have for heavy game and will shoot the others for everything else.

Though as always Hornadys are available almost everywhere in a Spitzer 200gr which I'm not positive would be great for the 35. I even just saw them yesterday on the shelf at Sportsmans in AK, that's saying something.
I didn't carry my 760 this yr but I also have a 141 that I did carry after I killed a buck with Dad's 348. I had 2 chances, but no opportunity. Both times sneak hunting..........both got up close under 30 yds, both didn't know exactly where or what I was and didn't blow out of there, but neither did they end up giving me any type of reasonable shot. Still fun carrying that handy little iron sighted rifle though and it didn't change the outcome.
Man, if you're not going to use that 760 ST, lemme know.. Sheesh, poor thing needs fresh air and some sunlight now and again;)
Man, if you're not going to use that 760 ST, lemme know.. Sheesh, poor thing needs fresh air and some sunlight now and again;)

Ha, it'll get used don't you worry. :) Only reason it was intentionally left in the cabinet is that I wanted to try and kill a buck with Pop's 348 and fortunately got that done, but it took a commitment of letting the other stuff at home. After that it was a doe only tag and the 141 hasn't been bloodied by me yet.

Now that I got that off the bucket list with the 348 I'd imagine most yrs that 760 will be first in line despite my other rifles. I really like that setup.

Wait till you see what I was fortunate enough to run across and get drug home yesterday............:D
I used my Rem 760 35 Rem with a Speer 180gr FP on a doe this year. Personally, I like them Hornaday 200gr FTX in the 35. Have done well for me. Dan.
And no Scotty it's not for sale, lol. Dan.

I'm adding up some of today's prices..........I'll give ya 2 packs of primers, 3 dozen farm fresh brown eggs, a 3/4" galvanized pipe coupler, 2 lbs of coffee, and 2 beef steaks. If I have to lay out more than that I'll need to secure some financial backing first. What say you? :p :D
I'm adding up some of today's prices..........I'll give ya 2 packs of primers, 3 dozen farm fresh brown eggs, a 3/4" galvanized pipe coupler, 2 lbs of coffee, and 2 beef steaks. If I have to lay out more than that I'll need to secure some financial backing first. What say you? :p :D
Are they rib eyes? T-bones may be negotiable if you throw in a box of Partitions.😉
I'm adding up some of today's prices..........I'll give ya 2 packs of primers, 3 dozen farm fresh brown eggs, a 3/4" galvanized pipe coupler, 2 lbs of coffee, and 2 beef steaks. If I have to lay out more than that I'll need to secure some financial backing first. What say you? :p :D
I'm holding out for RL26:LOL: Dan.