Elk load for the .300 WSM

Aug 2, 2005
Good to be back here after a long absence...many things incl spinal surgery. I am on the mend and hope to have the Pref points for Wyoming Elk next year! :lol:

I will dust off the Sako 75 Hunter(23" bbl) in .300 WSM with a 3.3X10X44 Zeiss on her.

I have lots of 165 and 180 NPTs and some 168 TSXs...am intrigued by the BC of the 180 Accubonds too.

I also have ample Re 15, Re 19, Re 22... IMR 4831...and H4350

Your opinions will be greatly appreciated... :oops:
Just finished loading up some 200gr, Accubonds for my 300 wsm. You say you don`t have 200`s, but I`ll offer my info anyway.........I have a Ruger M77 MK2 Frontier in 300 WSM, 16.5" bbl..........My load was 69 gr., rel#19, using the 200 gr. Accubonds........Best accuracy for a 3 shot 100 yard group was .875"........Least accurate was 1.225". Rifle cleaned after every 3rd shot......This load was worked up carefully in 1/2 grain increments, so be careful. It is max. for my rifle!........Chrono results were 2828 fps..........My rifle with only a 16.5" barrel will have a velocity loss of only 3 to 4.5% from the std. 24" barrels......Took that load from another site. That velocity, for this same load using a 24" barrel was 2930 fps. He used 68 gr. of rel #19, I used 69!..........Hope that helps!!......Big Squeeze
Thanks for the reply...

I test fired some 180gr WW factory PPs on Saturday...They shot about 1.75" and the barrel jump was profound! The scope lightly smacked me twice... :oops:

I imagine that little Frontier must do all of that and more with 200gr ers!! :shock:

After that experience I am loading 165 PTs and working from there! :lol: I must be spoiled by shooting .280s and 7MM08s too much! :p
Yes! That little rifle DO have some recoil, especially using the 200 gr`s....Fortunately, I have my Limbsaver slip on recoil pad that gives another inch of thickness over and above the factory pad.....Shooting 40 rounds the other day wasn`t too bad. No scope marks over my left eye either!!....It only weighs 7lbs. 5 oz. w/scope.........Try rel #19. So far so good for me............ Good luck with your reloads.........Big Squeeze!
Tom, just last weekend I was retesting some stuff in my 300 WSM.

I did not have great results with the 180 Partitions when I first got the rifle, but for some reason, I had not tried H 4350 in it with those bullets. I went out and shot 180 Partitions loaded over 65 grains of H 4350 and shot two groups back to back that measured 0.75 and 0.74 inches. The average velocity was 2980 fps.

I also shot a very good load that consists of a 180 Sierra Pro Hunter over 68 grains of IMR 4831. This load gave a 0.53 inch group and 3011 fps.

I have had mixed results with the Accubonds. Last year I had this gun shooting great with 165 Accubonds over 67 grains of H 4350. They now shoot close to 2 inch groups!!
I have changed lots of bullets and powder, so am not sure who to blame till I do some more testing. With the groups that the other bullets are shooting, I do not think it is the gun.
IMR 4831 Very good powder for the 300 WSM..........excellent Vel and accuracy........Mag Pro tad more accurate but off a little in Vel.

My load of 69.0 w/the 168 TSX with IMR 4831 and WLRM primers is a excellent load for elk.